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One of my biggest suggestions for upping your copy game is something most copywriters will NEVER do.


Because it takes some effort…

And for some people (mostly introverts) it can be uncomfortable.

But the results you’ll get from doing this one thing will have a huge ROI for you.

So what am I talking about?

I’m talking about actually speaking to your buyers.

That could be in person…

Or it could be over the phone.

This is super simple to do, but like I said most copywriters never talk to an actual buyer.

And in my opinion it’s a mistake.

I’ll give ya a good example of this…

Right now I’m in Vegas helping teach on a friend’s personal development program.

The whole goal of the program is to make the guys a better man in every area of their life.

So some of the guys want to get out of crappy jobs and become entrepreneurs…

Others want to get their dating life fixed…

And others might be successful in multiple areas of their life, but they don’t really feel fulfilled. 

So there’s a lot of reasons they’re here…

But one thing that came up over and over again when they did their intros yesterday was this idea of feeling like a “loner”.

A large number of the guys feel like they don’t have a good group of friends around them…

And they feel like they’re trying to do everything on their own.

That caught my attention.


Cause as a copywriter, when something comes up over and over again, I want to talk about in the copy. 

So if I was writing copy for this program, I’d say something like “maybe you feel like a “loner” and most of the people around you aren’t as motivated as you.  They aren’t the fun, and ambitious friends you really want.  Instead they just kind of “exist”, and go through life without really living.  Well what if we could change that?  What if we could help you find a group of solid dudes who not only push you, but also support you every step along the way?”

You see what I’m doing here?

I’m simply bonding with them on the idea of being a loner…

And then showing them a way out of that. 

Like I said, this is easy to do…

It’s copy 101.

But I would have never understood that most of the guys felt like loners had I not talked to them.

That’s the power of talking to your buyers.

You’ll get insights that you’d never get on forums…

Or from Facebook groups.

Again, this is easy to do…

But 95% of copywriters will never do it.

So if you want to set yourself apart…

And get better results with your copy…

I suggest you put some effort into talking to your buyers.

You don’t have to talk to a bunch of them for this to be effective.

Even talking to 3-4 of them will give you insights that will blow your mind. 

Obviously do what you want with that advice…

But I suggest you take it to heart.

Your bank account (and your buyers) will thank you in the end.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.