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Back when I got into online marketing in 2004 I didn’t have the ability to stick to one thing and see it through…

For example…

– My first website was one where I sold my betting picks for football and basketball games.  I probably made a grand total of $200 on this over the course of a year

– Next, I created a poker website for my college, where players could post home games and meet up with other players.  I had affiliate relationships setup with all the poker rooms at the time.  My best month was $500 from this site

– After that I did a lot of SEO marketing on authority sites like Squidoo and EZineArticles.  I had one Squidoo page that made me like $6k a month for a while until it got whacked by Google

– When the UFC took off, I started a blog called  I posted odds and picks for all the fights.  And then got affiliate commissions when people bet on the fights.  This was making $3k or so a month.  I later sold it to a guy for $40k.

– I wrote copy as a freelancer.  My top rates for copy at the time were around $3000-$5000 for a sales letter.  I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing, but they were getting results so it worked out.

– In 2010 I created a weight loss program with my personal trainer called The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure.  This offer was my first big win.  Why?  Cause I got it to convert on cold traffic. I went from being nearly broke and moving back in with my parents to making over $200k in profit that year.  That was a big year.

So why am I sharing all these ventures with you?

Cause I spent the first 6 years of my career hopping around from idea to idea.

I never stuck to just one.

And this cost me a lot of time…

And a lot of money…

Had I just went all in on one of them (like the 31 Day Fat Loss Cure), I probably would have had a stable 6 or 7 figure business.

Instead, my income went up and down like a rollercoaster. 

One year I made $30k, the next I made $100k.

Hell I even had a year in 2009 where I made $5200.

So it was all over the place.

And that was really due to my inability to start something and continue on with it.

I was good at getting started…

But everytime I saw a shiny object, I jumped ship.

And there’s a big lesson for you here…

One that took me a long time to learn…

Building something great takes time.

It takes patience.

And it takes focus. 

You’re not gonna be an A-list copywriter in a year…

Just like you’re probably not gonna build an 8-figure business right away either…

You CAN do those things…

However, they take time and focus.

If you’re switching up your focus every couple months and trying something else, you’re not gonna get there.

The real power comes from starting something and seeing it through.

Keep that in mind…

– Justin 

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