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One thing you realize as you get older is that your life goes in “seasons” and some things will matter more to you depending on the season.

For example…

When I was in my 20’s the thing that mattered most to me was my business.

At that age, all I cared about was making a boatload of money…

So I was hell-bent on learning affiliate marketing…

And copywriting…

And creating an offer that I could scale.

Which took a lot of work…

And I made a lot of mistakes…

But eventually I figured it out.

And I was able to go from scraping by on $25k a year, to $200k a year by the end of my 20’s. 

So back then my “season” was all about business.

However now-a-days, my season looks a bit different.


Because making a bunch of money isn’t a big motivator for me right now.

I’ve already hit my “enough is enough” number when it comes to money.

So working my ass off to make another million bucks doesn’t really excite me.

But what doesexcite me are other areas of my life like…

1.  My health (specifically working on multiple ways to fix my Crohn’s disease so I can eat more foods and have a semi-normal life)

I’ve long suspected that a lot of my Crohn’s issues were related to emotional trauma and stress.

So now that I’m not working so much, I’m really putting my focus on this.

I’m working with a coach to help resolve some of my beliefs around food and my gut.

I’m doing breathwork every day…

I’m hitting the sauna and cold plunge at least 4x a week.

All of this is helping me to de-stress…

And my stomach is showing significant improvement because of it (I’ve been able to add back in foods I haven’t eaten in 5-10 years).

Which is a big deal for me…

Cause I’ve basically been on a super restricted diet for the last 14 years.

I was paleo at first…

Then autoimmune paleo…

Then I did the SCD diet…

And lastly I’ve been strict carnivore (meat only) for a few years.

Having a diet like this makes it really hard to eat out with friends…

Or to travel…

Hell, I had to miss out on multiple weddings and bachelor parties for friends of mine this year because of my Crohn’s.  

So getting that fixed will be a gamechanger for me.

Which is why a big focus for me in this “season”, is fixing my gut and getting it as close to a normal stomach as I can.

So that’s the first thing I’ve been focused on in my current season of life.

Now the second thing is something that always took a backseat to my business in previous years…

And that’s…

2.  Dating more, and creating a long term relationship w/someone that I truly want to be with

Ever since my 20’s, dating has always taken a backseat to my business.

In the past, if I met someone I was really into, I was never able to give them the time and attention they needed.

Cause my business came first…

And everything else was an afterthought.

Obviously this is not the recipe for a successful relationship. 

So I made a choice over the last 5-6 years to not be in a serious relationship.

I just dated casually…

And had fun…

But there were no long term expectations.

And while I enjoyed doing that for a few years, it’s simply not as fulfilling to me anymore.

I want something deeper.

I want to build a life with someone that is my true partner (I have her back and she has mine).

And in order to do that, I need to make dating a priority in my life.

So I’ve been making it a priority.

Which means going on more dates than usual…

I’m also being a lot more social – traveling to meet up with people, going to parties etc… 

These are all things that got put on the backburner in previous seasons. 

But now that I’m in a different season, they’ve become a priority.

Point being…

You’re going to go through different seasons in your life where certain things matter more than others.

This could be with your kids…

Or finding fulfillment…

Or getting your weight under control…

Your priorities will change…

And what mattered to you 5 years ago, might not matter that much to you now.

So I encourage you to think about what season you’re in.

What matters to you right now?

And are you putting real focus on those things that matter to you?

It’s a simple thought exercise…

But it’s one that can have a big payoff if you’re able to actually figure out what matters to you in this season of your life.

Keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Friday, 

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.