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Last year I wrote an email that made 8x more sales than the previous email I had written.


That’s a big bump in sales.

So I’m gonna show you how I did it.

Here’s the deets…

Let’s start with looking at the two emails I wrote…

The angle of the first email was “If you’re not selling to your list, someone else is”

And the angle of the second email was “the no-funnel secret for making big sales to your list”

I personally wrote both of these emails (so the copy quality was similar).

And I even sent them to my list on the same day…

Yet, the first email pulled in $296 in sales.

And the second email pulled in $2464.

So the second email (the no funnel secret) did 8x the sales of the first email!

How did this happen?

It’s simple. 

The second email used a proven angle that has crushed for me with email over and over again.

I call it the “BPP angle”.

Which stands for “big pressing problem”.

That angle is meant to tap into a big, pressing problem your reader has…

And then it shows them an easy way to fix it… 

In this case, the big pressing problem was having to create a funnel.

So I simply showed an easier way to make a bunch of sales without creating a funnel…

And guess what?

I made 8x more sales than the previous email I sent about the same offer. 

So the big thing I want you to take away from this is that if you want your emails to pull in more sales…

It’s all about the angle you use.

Your email will either thrive or die based on the angle you come up with.

So I suggest you get good at coming up with email angles.

Obviously you can come up with angles on your own and see what works… 


If you want, you can just swipe the PROVEN angles that I’ve relentlessly tested over the last ten years.

Most of these angles were tested across dozens of niches like health, financial, fitness, business, golf, guitar, dating, survival, biz-op, personal development and more…

So they’ll work no matter what niche you’re in…

And if you want access to all of these…

Including a 142 page swipe file with example after example (from dozens of different niches)…

Then I suggest you snag a copy of my course “The 13 Most Profitable Emails Of All Time”.

I previously released this course last summer.

And at that time, some of the biggest copywriters in the game picked it up including Jason Capital, Paul Martinez, Jerrod Harlan and Gary Bencivenga.

In the course, I show you endless examples of each of the 13 most profitable email angles including…

– the “Dream Catcher Email” that brought in over 70,000 buyers for a supplement offer in a single year 

– the “Ticking Clock Email” that has been responsible for over 40% of my sales in 2024

– the “Contrarian Email” that pulled in 3x as many sales as every other email I sent in a recent launch

– the “P.O.T.P. email” that crushes in niches where  buyers are highly skeptical (like “make money”, fitness, financial and health)

– the “Truth Serum Email” that was the #1 email in two of my launches so far in 2024

– the “Dr. Doom Email” that I use to DOUBLE the sales on the last day of any sale or launch

– the “Zero To Hero Email” that I used in my CopyHour promo that not only crushed, but were a breeze to write

– the “B.P.P. Email” that’s pulled in more sales than any other email I’ve sent in 2023 and 2024 (this is by far the best performing email I’ve used this year, and you can easily swipe it for yourself)

– Plus many, many more of the most profitable emails of all time

So that’s what the training is all about.

I’m also gonna give ya an entire swipe file of all the emails from the training.

So you’ll have that swipe file to keep…

And you can refer back to it anytime you need an idea for an email.

I put a ton of effort into this training…

And I think it will be insanely helpful (and profitable) for you if…

– You have your own email list…

– You write email copy for clients…

– You’re a list manager…

– Or you want to finally take the leap and get into email copywriting for the first time…

If any of those sound like you…

Then you should pick this baby up.

Cause here’s the truth…

You can spend years and years testing new email angles and trying to figure out which ones work…


You can simply use the 13 proven email angles I’m gonna share with you on the training.

I already slaved over the ideas…

I spent hundreds of hours writing the copy….

I ran split test after split test…

And now instead of doing the same yourself…

You can just swoop in and use the winning email angles that I’m gonna show you. 

So if that appeals to you…

Then I suggest snagging a copy of this training while I’m re-opening it for the next few days.. 

The training is just $197.

And if you want to split that into two payments of $99, you can do that as well.

So that’s the deal…

I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this.

So if you want to get your hands on it…

Just head over to the checkout page…

And grab your copy of “The 13 Most Profitable Emails Of All Time”.

You’ll get a 142 page PDF with example after example of the winning emails…

And you’ll also get a training with me breaking each email down, and showing you how to write similar emails for yourself.

So if that floats your boat…

I suggest you pick up a copy of it right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.