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One of my points in yesterday’s email about “sticking to your guns” really seemed to hit home, so I’m gonna expand on that today.

Here’s the gist…

You will always be tempted by new opportunities.


Doesn’t matter if you’re a rank newbie…

Or if you’ve been building businesses for 20 years.

New opportunities will always catch your eye.

When I was just starting out online, I was the guy who chased every new opportunity that came up.

First it was SEO…

Then it was building mini sites…

Then it was blogging…

Whatever the “hot thing” was I jumped on it.

Luckily for me, I was not a complete failure using this method. 

I made 6-figures one of those years…

And another year I sold my MMA blog for $40,000.

So it wasn’t a total disaster.


Knowing what I know now, I would have just stuck with one thing and mastered it.

Let’s take blogging for example…

Had I continued to blog, and post content multiple times a week, I probably would have had a high ranking authority site.

And that site could have easily made me $20k a month with adsense, an email list and different affiliate offers.

However, I never stuck with blogging long enough to make that happen.

I got pulled away.

Distracted by new opportunities. 

So I didn’t “stick to my guns”.

Which was a mistake. 

Point being…

One of the most essential skills you can have in this business is “sticking to your guns”.

You can’t build a $20 million dollar business chasing the latest thing.

You have to have a good plan, and stick with it.

Even if that plan is boring…

Or not very sexy…

That’s usually what it takes to build something worthwhile. 

You need to know where you’re going, and stick to your guns to get there. 

Keep that in mind…

And enjoy your Monday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.