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A question came in this week from a new copywriter that’s struggling to balance his job and getting clients…


I don’t know if you’d remember me but we met briefly at Starting Strength Austin. I mentioned I was a friend of [name removed] and was kinda awkward meeting you. I love your emails and your products, but I’ve had a ridiculously hard time getting hired by anyone. I have lots of random experience writing mostly articles, have gone through lots of email marketing products, and have been writing since I was in high school. I have some good testimonials, including one from [name removed], but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.  But I don’t have any screenshots demonstrating some crazy results I’ve gotten for anyone through my copy. I don’t know how to move past this barrier. I’ve applied to lots of jobs, but maybe not enough as I don’t have much energy after doing my menial work of the day and working on my own offer. Last year I went through 3 copywriting mentorships and I’m broke as fuck because of it, so I’m not aching to dive into another one.  What would you do in this situation?


Here’s my thoughts…

First of all, what you’re going through is NORMAL.

100% normal… 

Almost everyone struggles when they’re starting out.

Hardly anyone gets started, and is making $10k a month right away (it DOES happen, but it’s rare).

When I first started trying to sell stuff online in 2003, it took me like 8 months of posting on forums before I made my first sale.

And even after I made that first sale, the sales didn’t keep rolling in.

That was just one sale.

So I struggled when I started as well.


In regards to balancing your normal job, and trying to write copy on the side…

This is also completely NORMAL.

It always surprises me when people bring this up like their situation is somehow different.

Pretty much everyone who’s successful in direct response had to balance learning copy while they had something else going on…

Usually it’s a full-time job…

Or kids to take care of…

Or they were in school full-time…

Everyone has something going on.

No one is gifted $200,000 and a full year of free time to start a business.

You have to balance both.

That’s just the reality.

So if you’re not willing to balance both…

You’d be better off quitting now.

And not wasting anymore time.

Cause here’s the truth…

Being a copywriter…

Or being an entrepreneur…

Comes with a LOT of these ups and downs.

A lot.

I’ve been doing this for 19 years, and I still go through periods where I really struggle.

It never goes away.

So if you don’t want that…

Or you don’t think you’re cut out for that…

Then maybe you’d be better off finding a job you like, and focusing on that.

Being an entrepreneur or a freelancer is certainly NOT for everyone.

Obviously there’s a lot of benefits…

Like the freedom to do what you want…

The ability to make your own schedule…

And unlimited earning power…

All that stuff is great.

And it’s why most of us do it. 

But there’s also a lot of struggle and sacrifice that goes along with it.

So you have to be honest with yourself whether or not you’re willing to go through the struggle and the sacrifice. 

Cause that’s a part of it too.

So there ya go…

That’s my 2 cents…

In my opinion the spoils are certainly worth the struggles…

But you have to make that decision for yourself.

Alright, I need to wrap this up…

And get on with my day.

Hope this was helpful for ya.

Enjoy your Saturday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.