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One of the things I’m a big believer in being aware of is that there are ALWAYS trade offs happening in your life.

For example…

This morning I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast, and one of the things he talked about was the trade offs Tiger Woods had to make to be as great as he is.

So yes… Tiger is a mega superstar.

He’s won a boatload of golf tournaments…

And he’s a household name that’s on par with someone like Lebron James. 

So he’s super successful by any measure…


There’s also a lot of dark shit he had to go through to make that happen.

For example, Tiger never really had a childhood.

The normal stuff kids get to do like having fun, being silly and making mistakes was not a part of his upbringing.

Everything was about golf.

And he was on the golf course for hours a day from the age of 2 (yes 2!) just doing drill after drill to be a better golfer.

Obviously he didn’t have much of a say in this at that age.

It was his dad’s doing.

But that’s a big trade off he had to make.

He didn’t get to be a carefree child like most kids do. 

And you can see similar trade offs he’s had to make later in his life as well.

For example, his obsession with being the best definitely wreaked havoc on his previous marriage…

It led him to substance abuse…

And I’d be willing to bet a pretty penny that despite all his success, Tiger is generally not a happy person.

Cause when you’re raised with a demanding parent like that…

Nothing is ever good enough.

And that feeling of nothing ever being good enough filters into your marriage, your relationship with yourself, how you raise your kids etc…

So even though Tiger has insane amounts of success…

And notoriety…

There are major trade offs he had to make to make that happen. 

And that’s what I really want you to take away from this email.

Cause there are ALWAYS tradeoffs in life.

Building a $100 million dollar company might sound great to you now…

But it’s gonna come with a large amount of trade offs in terms of the time you spend with your kids, your stress levels, your health etc…

Im not saying don’t build that $100 million dollar company…

What I’m saying is be aware of the trade offs.

Cause they’re gonna happen whether you’re aware of them or not.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

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