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If you’re worried right now with everything that’s going on, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

Cause I’m worried too.

And that’s perfectly fine.

I’m not gonna try and put on some front that I’m above worrying. 

That would be bullshit.

In fact, I’d say that if you don’t have some amount of worry about what’s going on (even if its a tiny amount), you’re either lying to yourself, or you’re completely out of touch with your emotions.

It’s normal to be worried at a time like this.

With that said, I want to share one of the things that I’m worried about (maybe you will relate to it).

Probably the biggest thing I noticed this week was how worried I am about watching all the money dwindle out of my Vanguard acocunt.

On Monday I probably refreshed the CNBC ticker 20 times as I watched the market plummet.

Tuesday it shot back up, but I knew that would be short lived.  

Wednesday it tanked again, losing close to 10%.

Now I’m a pretty conservative investor with a portfolio of 70% stocks and 30% bonds.

So I’m not getting hit as hard as I would if I was all-in on stocks.  

But in the last two weeks,  I basically lost all the gains since I started heavily investing in 2017.

And I’m down like $600k or so.

Which sucks.

And watching the market tank has brought out all kinds of worries for me like…

“Am I gonna be able to replace this money?”

“Should I pull out now?”

“What if the market drops to 15,000?”

All of that stuff is coming up for me.

I feel vulnerable.

But as bad as it feels to have all that stuff being triggered…

The good thing is that at least I’m aware of what’s going on. 

I’m aware of the feelings I have about it.

And I’m not trying to mask them or close myself off to them (which is what most people are doing).

I’m just letting them come up…

And being “ok” with feeling them.

Cause here’s the thing…

If you simply ignore what you’re feeling about everything that’s going on…

Or you try to act like it’s not there…

You’re only making it worse.

You’re suppressing it.

The best way to handle this is to actually allow yourself to feel whatever you’re feeling.

Maybe you journal about it…

Or you talk to someone as well…

Whatever works for you.

But the big thing is that you just acknowledge what you’re feeling.

It’s normal to worry in a time like this.

So allow yourself to do it.

If you’ve been feeling a little vulnerable this week, I hope this helps.

We’re in the same boat.

Enjoy your Friday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.