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Last night at the Titans dinner, I wound up sitting across from legendary copywriter, Mr. Chris Haddad.

If you’re not familiar with Chris, he is THE best copywriter I’ve ever seen when it comes to telling a gripping story.

The guy’s stories just grab you by the throat, and force you to keep watching.

It’s one of the reasons he’s been uber successful as a copywriter…

And as an entrepreneur.

But last night at dinner we hardly talked about any of that.

We just got to know each other.

I’ve probably known Chris for at least five years now (I think we met at Mark Ling’s mastermind back in 2014 or so)

However, we’ve never actually talked in depth…

We just knew of each other on a “business level”.

But at dinner last night, we basically talked for over an hour about every damn thing on our mind including…

– Why I’m putting more of my focus on my relationships this year instead of my business

– The ups and downs Chris experienced as he battled a multi-year mental health struggle

– Dumb mistakes we both made after making our first big chunk of money

– Why we both think Joe Biden is the only candidate who can beat Trump

– How Chris navigated his divorce, and his advice to me on marriage and prenups

– The 3 brutal years that Chris cold-called companies non-stop trying to get clients as a copywriter

– And a whole lot more…

Honestly I wish I could remember more of what we talked about.

But one of the things I love about Chris is just how open he is about his struggles.

This is something I try to do as well.

Cause we all struggle.

And like me, Chris didn’t just fall into his success.

When he started with copy he was working a regular job, making $30k a year…

He cold-called businesses trying to get clients.

And he grinded this way for years…

Eventually he got really damn good at copy, and decided to start his own company.

And since then he’s pumped out some of the most legendary VSL’s in the internet marketing space.

And made himself a multi-millionaire in the process.

Now-a-days Chris is still cranking out new offers (his newest dating offer is crushing on Youtube)…

And he’s even writing for a few clients like Kelly Felix.

Chris hasn’t spoken at events much in the past few years, but he said he’s ready to get back out there and share his secrets.

Which is why he was the first person I contacted when we were putting together the speakers for our upcoming mastermind in Vegas.

Chris will be taking the stage on Day 2…

And not only will he be sharing his rags-to-riches story…

But he’s gonna do some LIVE copy re-writes helping people to amp-up the emotion in the stories they use in copy.

This is Chris’ “superpower” above all else.

The dude knows how to take a good story, and make it OUTSTANDING. 

And he’s gonna do that on Day 2 of the Copy Accelerator mastermind in February.

So if that piques your interest…

And you haven’t applied for a seat at the  mastermind yet…

I highly suggest you check out the info page for the event right here.  

Whether you’re a copywriter…

Business owner…

Or even a media buyer…

Being able to hang out with guys like Chris Haddad for a few days will absolutely inspire you to be better…

And probably add an extra 5 or 6 figures to your bottom line.

If that tickles your fancy, then head over to the event page and see if it’s for you.

-> Private mastermind in Las Vegas (Feb 26-28)

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.