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There’s a famous line in The Girl Next Door where Emile Hirch’s character asks “if the juice is worth the squeeze?”.

In the movie, he’s talking about this in terms of a girl he’s interested in…

And he’s wondering if all the trouble he has to go through to get her is worth it…

(Spoiler alert…it is)

Well I’m a big believer that this is a question you should regularly ask in your business…


Cause a lot of times we start new things where the juice is certainly NOT worth the squeeze.

For example…

Let’s say your goal is to grow your business from $10 million to $30 million next year.

Now if you were to do this, most people would say that’s a “success”.

However that’s not necessarily true.

Cause what if instead of working 30 hours a week, you’re now working 60 hours a week.

What if instead of being at all of your kid’s soccer games,  you now have to miss them?

What if instead of having 9 employees to manage, you now have 30 to manage…

Is that juice worth the squeeze?

It might be worth it to you…

Or it might not…

It varies person to person. 

But that’s why you should be asking this question.

Cause “growth at all costs” is not the goal.

The goal is having a business that you enjoy…

And a business that fits the life that YOU want.

The last thing you want is a successful business that is raking in a bunch of money, but it completely owns your life.

So my recommendation?

Anytime you’re thinking about going after a new goal with your biz, ask yourself this question…

“Is the juice worth the squeeze?”

Cause inevitably there’s going to be a “squeeze”.

And the squeeze can come in terms of your time, your stress levels, your sanity or simply doing stuff that you don’t want to do…

There’s always a “squeeze”.

You just have to make sure it’s worth it. 

Keep that in mind.

– Justin


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