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If you bring up the topic of “the most profitable skill” in online marketing, you’ll get a lot of different answers…

Some people will say it’s copywriting…

Others will say it’s media buying…

Personally,  I think these are both great skills to have.


I don’t think they’re the MOST profitable skill you can have.

The most profitable skill goes a little further…

And it’s why you can make 20x as much money with this skill versus if you just understand copy…

Or you just understand media buying…

This is a skill I’ve personally learned myself…

And one that I’ve seen in the most successful people in our industry such as…

Mike Geary…

Craig Clemens…

Stefan Georgi…

Joe Schriefer…

Jordan Hall…

Jay Deiboldt…

Dan Roitman…

Chris Haddad…

Wanna know what this skill is?

The skill that can change everything for you…

Alright I’ll tell ya…

It’s the ability to create an offer that can scale to 1000 buyers a day.

Here’s why I say that…

Without that skill, none of the marketers I just listed would be the household names that they are today.

They wouldn’t be living the dream life in multi-million dollar houses…

Taking vacations all over the world…

And having the freedom to live life on THEIR terms. 

None of that would have happened if they couldn’t create an offer that scaled to 1000 Buyers A day.

Sure there’s other things they are good at like building a team, infrastructure and all that…

But here’s the truth…

None of that stuff matters if you can’t bring in a boatload of buyers every day. 

You could have the best team in the world, but if you don’t know how to create offers that can scale, you’re toast.

All of the marketers I listed know this.

And here’s the thing…

Creating an offer that can scale to 1000 buyers a day is a learnable skill.

It’s not something you’re born with.

It took me many, many years…

And a lot of wasted money to learn this skill myself.

Which is one of the reasons I decided to create a course about it.

Cause I don’t want you to go through the same crap I went through to learn it.

The course is called 1000 Buyers A Day.

And it’s the only blueprint I know of that shows you how to create an offer that can scale to 1000 buyers a day.

And the cool thing is…

You’re not just getting my insights in the course.

I brought in an Avengers-like superteam of marketers (all of whom have hit the 1000 Buyer A Day mark on their own) to share their secrets as well.

So you’re getting real,  in-the-trenches insights from 7-all star marketers who have all hit the 1000 buyer a day mark. 

This does not usually happen.

Most marketers that are this successful don’t openly share their best secrets.

But because I’m friends with most of these guys, they did it for me.


If that piques your interest…

Be on the lookout for some emails from me next Tuesday about the launch of the 1000 Buyers A Day course. 

I’m still not sure what I’m going to price this baby at.

Might be the typical $1000 or $2000 price tag.

Might be something different.

Who knows…

But what I do know, is that the ROI you’re going to get from the course will be insane. 

If you snap it up, it will be a game-changer for you.

More info to come…

Until then…

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.