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A little update for ya on my 2020 goals…

I mentioned that my biggest goal for 2020 is to actually put less focus on my business.

This is because I have a tendency to be a work-a-holic.

And I’ll spend 10 hours a day working if I don’t push myself to do other stuff like hang out with friends,  go out to eat, have game nights etc…

I feel like I started 2020 on the right foot with this.

I was doing stuff outside my comfort zone.

Like going to parties I normally would say “no” to.

Or having people over to play board games.

However the last two weeks kind of threw a wrench in that plan.

Cause I was hit by a bad case of the flu.

So I just sat at home and did nothing for two weeks.

Which is what I needed to do…

But it also put me back in my comfort zone of just staying at home, and being on my laptop.

So while I’ve made progress in this area, this little setback didn’t help.

On another front…

One of my other goals for 2020 is to finally put out a few new products I’ve been working on.

One of those is a course called 1000 Sales A Day.

As the title suggests, it’s all about how to create an offer that can scale to 1000 sales a day.

This one I’m pumped for.

Cause you not only are getting insight from me, but you also get to learn from people like Chris Haddad, Stefan Georgi, Jordan Hall, Joe Schriefer, Jay Deiboldt,  Dan Roitman and a few surpise guests.

These are all guys who have done 1000 sales a day with an offer.

So they’re sharing their wisdom in regards to creating a highly appealing offer and how to scale that offer to 100 sales a day.

It’s a unique course.

And I think it’s gonna be a game-changer for a lot of people.

It’s also a good way for you to learn from me at a price point that’s a lot lower than the $30,000 it costs to join our mastermind.

So I’m looking forward to that…


That’s a little update of how 2020 is going for me.

Hopefully yours is going well too.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.