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I’ve gotten a flood of emails this past week asking me WHY I think “pocket change” offers are such a good way to build a list…

So I’m gonna do a little comparison for ya…

I’m gonna breakdown the pros & cons of pocket change offers vs. lead gen vs. full-priced offers.

That way you’ll see the pros & cons of each…

Sound good?


First, let’s establish one thing…

Building a list is not an easy thing to do.

There’s no magic button you can click that gives you a profitable email list in a day.

Each list building method is gonna take some work and they all have their own pros & cons…

For example…

Lead gen…this is where you simply get opt-ins and you put those opt-ins on your list.

Lead gen is the easiest list building method to setup cause all you need is an optin page and a PDF to give away for free.

So it’s quick to setup…

The big problem with lead gen is that you need to spend a bunch of money to get leads…

And you need to be ok with waiting 4 months…or 8 months for those leads to buy enough stuff from you that the money you spent on them breaks even.

So while lead gen is very easy to setup…

Spending $10,000 on leads and waiting 6 months to get that money back is not practical for most people.

So that’s the pros and cons of lead gen.

Next, you have full-priced offers…

These are the typical offers you see on Clickbank that are promoted on most email lists.

They’re usually priced at $39, or $49 or $97.

They could be for a physical product (like a supplement)…

Or they could be for a digital product (like an ebook, a newsletter or a course)…

The pros of these offers is that if you can get someone to spend $49 or $97 with you, they’re gonna be a better buyer than someone who spends $7.

There’s no denying that.


The big downside to the full-priced offer is that you usually need a 45 minute VSL with A-list level copy to make them work.

So you either need to be a great copywriter yourself…

Or you need to be able to shell out $25k-$50k to hire someone like Dan Ferrari or Stefan Georgi to write one for you. 

And even then, businesses with great copywriters (like Agora) still only have like a 20% success rate when launching these offers. 

So 80% of the time, the offer doesn’t work (even with a great copywriter)…

So while the idea of getting a full-priced buyer on your list is very appealing.

It’s incredibly hard to pull off…

And odds are, unless you have A-level copy, you’re not gonna be able to do it.

So that’s the pros and cons of full-priced offers.

Now let’s look at the last list building method, which is the one I’ve been telling you about all week…

And that’s low-priced, “pocket change” offers.

The downside of these offers is that youre putting a person on your list who’s buying a $3-$10 offer.

So they won’t be as good of a buyer as let’s say a $97 buyer.


I personally believe the pocket change offer is the easiest and fastest way to build a big email list for your average person (without losing a bunch of money upfront)…


1.  These offers are less than $10, so because of the low price, your copy does not have to be A-level quality to get people to buy.  Many of the best pocket change offers running right now, have very basic “boiler plate” copy on them

2.  Also unlike with lead gen, with a pocket-change offer you’re making money on every sale (plus upsells).  So if you do this right, you can spend $100 on ads and make $100 back that same day.  That means you just put new buyers on your list and it cost you nothing.

This is why I’m such a fan of the pocket change offer.

When you compare ’em to lead gen…

And full priced offers…

They’re a better way to build a list.

Cause you’re not losing a bunch of money upfront…

And you’re not required to be a copy savant to get them to convert.

This is why tons of direct response businesses and coaches are using them like Paleohacks, Roland Frasier, Survival Life, Matt Artisan (dating), Newsmax, Healthy Back Institute (supplements)…

These offers convert…

And they can quickly put hundreds of buyers a day onto your email list. 

So that’s why I’m a fan of ’em.


You’re obviously free to use whatever list building method fits your needs best.

But if you want to learn how to create a “pocket change” offer…

Then I suggest you get signed up for the special training Ning Li and I are hosting tomorrow at noon ET/9 AM PT.


Cause Ning is the guy who’s been responsible for creating 9 different winning pocket change offers since 2020.

These nine offers have added over 510,000 buyers to the Paleohacks email list…

And that email list now produces over $5 million a year in profit for them.

And it all started with a pocket change offer.

So on this special training, Ning is gonna share the “secret sauce” to creating a winning pocket change offer along with…

– how to put 1000, 10,000 or even 100,000 new buyers on your email list without it costing you a dime

– why a Pocket Change Offer is the perfect offer to build a list with if you’re NOT well known or you’re NOT an expert

– how to know if your Pocket Change Offer will be a winner BEFORE you even create the product (Ning has written 14 winning offers in a row using this formula)

– the 2 most important parts of a winning Pocket Change Offer (get these 2 things right and you’ll put hundreds of new buyers on your list each day, get it wrong and your offer will be a dud)

– how to make sure your Pocket Change Offer breaks even on cold traffic so you don’t have to pay for traffic

– the exact price you should sell your Pocket Change Offer for if you want to maximize your sales (the price will vary depending on your niche, but we’ll show you the best price for your offer based on the niche you choose)

– the 2 best traffic sources that we’ve used to sell Pocket Change Offers (we’ll show you winning examples of ads for both of these traffic sources)

– PLUS…we’ll also share real-world examples of Pocket Change Offers that are running right now in dozens of niches like dating, business, copywriting, survival, gardening, politics, cooking, food products, supplements and more…

So that’s what the training is all about.

Ning and I put a ton of effort into this training…

And I think it will be helpful for you if…

– You already have your own email list and you’d like to quickly grow that list (for free)

– You don’t have a list, but you’d like to build one WITHOUT spending a bunch of money to do it

– You want to help your clients build their list faster so they turn around and pay you more

If any of those sound like you…

Then this training will be right up your alley.

So if that appeals to you…

Then I suggest you join Ning and I on this training that’s happening tommorrow (Wednesday, July 26th) at noon ET/9 AM PT. 

Plan on the training lasting about 2 hours…

If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away for any reason, you will get all the recordings, and a transcription of the call so you can watch it or read it whenever you’d like.

So that’s the deal…

If you’re wondering about the price of the training…

Many of the online trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past have cost as much as $1500.

But this one won’t cost you $1500.

In fact, it won’t even cost you $500…

If you sign-up today, the price for the training is just $197.

You can also split it into two payments of $99 if that’s easier on your cash flow.

Either way, it’s a hell of a deal.

Especially if you’re serious about building a massive email list…

So if that interests you…

I suggest you snag a spot on the training as soon as possible.

Cause the deadline to sign-up for this is tonight at 11:59 PM CT. 

After 11:59 PM CT we will close the sign-up page.

And if you miss the deadline, you won’t be able to get in later (that’s actually true, it’s not fake scarcity). 

So if you want to be a part of this, and you want to learn how to build a massive email list using “pocket change” offers…

Then just head over to the checkout page and get signed up.

You can secure your spot right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.