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After every email promo I do, I like to share the big lessons I learned from the promo with you…


So that way you can take what I learned from the promo…

And use it for yourself…

Or for your clients…

And make some moolah with it.

Sound good?


Let’s breakdown the promo I just wrapped up for the “5-Figure Email Promos” training I did with Ian Stanley.

This was a $197 training…

Overall we made 243 sales…

So a total of $47,871 before you factor in merchant fees, refunds etc…

I’d consider this one a solid “single” in baseball terms.

Not a home run by any means…

But we made some sales, and people were really impressed with the training.

So that was good.


I think Ian and I could have made more sales if we didn’t make two big mistakes with the launch…

So I’m gonna share those with you now…

1.  It was a mistake naming the training “5-figure email promos” as that excluded a lot of people who were already running 5 & 6 figure email promos

A few days into the promo, I realized that none of the higher level copywriters on my list who usually buy my stuff were buying this training.

The buyers were more beginners.

Which was confusing to me…

Cause the content of the course was perfect for people already running 5 and 6-figure email promos.

Yet, they weren’t buying it.

And I quickly realized that it was probably all because of the name we used…

“5-Figure Email Promos from Tiny Lists”

I thought about that for a second…

And realized that anyone who’s already running 5 and 6-figure email promos probably thought it wasn’t for them.

So they ignored it. 

And I don’t blame them.

I would have done the same thing. 

I would have thought “I’m already running 5-figure promos, what do I need this for?”

So I think it was a big mistake on our part using that name.

We should have named the training something like “The Perfect Email Promo”.

That would have made it more appealing to the people already doing 5 and 6-figures on their promos…

So that was the first lesson we learned…

Now the second lesson we learned is one that goes back to an old adage that I’m sure you’ve heard many times…

“Sell people what they want, not what they need”.

I unfortunately ignored this lesson.

So lesson #2 is…

2.  Always sell people the “sexy thing” that they want, and then give them what they need once they’re in the course

If you read any of my emails leading up to the training, a lot of them were about things like…

– why you need a “sweet spot offer” that appeals to the 5% of your list that regularly buys

– how to maximize your earnings per subscriber on an email promo

This was a big mistake.

Cause I was trying to sell people what they NEED.

Well guess what?

People don’t buy what they need.

They buy what they WANT. 

I realized this on Wednesday when I sent out an email that detailed “the #1 email working for me in 2023”.

That email made 4x as many sales as any other email I sent during the launch…


Cause it was focused on the “sexy thing” that people want…

And that’s “secret emails”. 

People wanted to know what the secret email was that I was sending…

That’s all they cared about.

They didn’t care about the other stuff I was teaching.

They wanted to know what emails to send to make a lot of dough. 

So it was a big mistake on my part to talk about things like the offer and maximizing your earnings per subscriber.

Nobody cared about that shit.

They just wanted to know which emails were making all the money.

So if I had to to do it again…

I’d put a lot more focus on the emails. 

So the big lesson here was simple…

You always want to sell people the “sexy stuff” that they want, not the stuff that they need.

You should obviously give them the stuff they need once they buy…

But until that point…

It should be all about selling them the sexy stuff they desperately want.

So there ya go…

Those are the two big lessons I took away from this launch.

I hope you take these to heart…

And use ’em to make yourself some dough…

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.