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After every launch I do, I like to breakdown the lessons I learned from the launch for you.


So that way you can take what I learned…

And you can use it to make yourself some dough…

Sound good?

Alright, let’s hop into it..

So the launch I just wrapped up was all about how to get copywriting clients using “printed emails”. 

The price was $197.

And during the launch I made 132 sales.

So when it all shakes out, I should take home around $25,130. 

Which is nothing to sneeze at.

That’s a solid “single” in baseball terms for me.

So I’ll take it.

And in terms of the lessons I learned…

I had a few…

One of which I’ll share with you now.

This is a really important lesson…

And it took me a few emails to see this…

And the lesson was…

“Some emails do better tapping into people’s problems, while others do better tapping into their greed. For this launch, the “greed” angle did much better”

For example…

I wrote a lot of emails in this launch about how cold email is getting harder and harder…

I wrote an email about Upwork not being as fruitful as it once was…

I also wrote an email about the emotional ups and downs of not knowing where your next client is coming from.

All of these are “problem” emails.

I’m tapping into the problems most copywriters are facing on a daily basis.

Now, these problem-style emails usually do very well.

But in this launch, they just did ok.


In this launch, the “greed” style emails were the big winners.

For example…

I wrote an email all about a list of 643 business owners I was giving you when you purchased the training.

That email crushed.

It was the second best email of the whole launch.

That was a “greed” email.

It was all about tapping into the desire to have an easy way to know what businesses to contact.  

That’s what that email was all about.

I didn’t talk about their problems with trying to figure out which businesses to contact…

I simply dangled the list of 643 successful businesses in front of them…

And a lot of people bought because of that…

So the big lesson that I want you to takeaway is that sometimes your emails will do better when they tap into problems…

And other times they’ll do better when they tap into people’s greed…

You never really know which one will work better.

So you gotta test…

And try different angles…

And when you find one that works…

Keep hitting on it.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.