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After every launch I do I like to share the results of the launch and the lessons I learned with you.


So that you can take what I learned…

And use it to make yourself (or your clients) some moolah.

Sound good?

Alright, let’s get into it…

The launch I just wrapped up last night was for an offer on how to build a massive email list with low-priced pocket change offers.

The price was $197 (or two payments of $99).

Overall I did 380 sales on the nose.

Which will come out to about $66k in sales once all the payments come in.

So overall, a great launch.

This launch was the first one I did with another person (Ning Li and I teamed up on it).

So Ning and I both promoted the training to our lists…

And what’s interesting (and probably the biggest lesson I had during this launch) is that Ning’s list responded VERY differently than mine.

Overall I made 346 sales on the launch…

And Ning made 34 sales on the launch…

So obviously the offer resonated with my list…

And didn’t resonate as much with Ning’s list.

And that was an eye opener for me. 

Cause in my head I thought “we both have copywriting lists, and copywriters are interested in building an email list, so this should do well to both lists”.

But that wasn’t the case…

My list did 346 sales…

And his did 34 sales…

So I dug a little deeper with Ning and got some more insight from him on his list.

And turns out I was wrong about who’s on his list.

His list is much more of a biz-op list that’s filled with people who are interested in getting into copywriting (many of them have never written copy or ever had a client).

Whereas my list is a lot of established copywriters, marketers, offer owners etc…

So while the lists seemed similar in my head…

They were actually quite different.

And the offer we came up with (the pocket change offer) was probably a few steps ahead of where his list is at. 

They’re more interested in making their first $1000 as a copywriter…

They don’t want to create an offer…

And they probably don’t understand the value of having an email list…

So this offer really was the wrong offer for his list.

Which like I said was a real eye-opener for me.

I’ve been doing this for 19 years, and for some reason I assumed since we both had copywriting lists that they’d perform the same. 

Not the case.

So that was a really good lesson to learn…

And something I’ll think more about on future offers I put together (especially ones where I partner with someone).

Having said that…

Even though the offer was a bad fit for his list, I still would have partnered with Ning on this offer.


Cause he brought a lot of proof & credibility to the offer since he’s written 9 different pocket change offers that have added over 510,000 buyers to the Paleohacks list.

That’s incredible proof.

And proof is what makes good copy work.

And I wouldn’t have had that without Ning.

So overall, I’d still do it again.

But I did learn a valuable lesson in the process…

You need to truly understand who the buyers are on a list in order to sell them what they want.

So there ya go…

Hope you got a nugget or two from this…

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.