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After every launch I do I like to share the results of the launch and the lessons I learned with you.


So that way you can take what I learned…

And use it to make yourself (or your clients) some moolah.

Sound good?

Alright, let’s get into it…

The launch I wrapped up last night was a re-launch for my “13 most profitable email hooks course”.

Overall I made 118 sales during the launch.

Which will come out to around $22,000 in sales (including payment plan orders).

For me, I consider this launch a solid “single” in baseball terms.

It’s not a triple, or a home run…

But it’s not a strikeout either…

$22k is very solid.

But what’s more important for me is that I think this course is insanely helpful for anyone that writes a lot of emails.

I personally use the info from this course to map out the emails I write during every single launch I do…

So I’m happy to get the course into more hands.

With that said…

Let’s jump into the lessons I learned during this launch, starting with…

1.  I’m realizing I get more excited when putting out a NEW program than I do with promoting a previous program

For this launch, I re-used most of the emails from the previous launch I did for this course.

This obviously made the launch super easy…

It was like I had the week off.

But here’s the thing…

Because I wasn’t writing new emails each day…

I felt very disconnected from the launch.

I didn’t feel the same energy and excitement I normally feel when I launch an offer.

So while this launch did fine in terms of sales…

I had a big realization that I get a lot more excited when I’m “in the game” writing new emails each day…

That’s the fun part for me.

I love trying new angles…

And then checking the sales stats to see if they worked…

So that was a big lesson for me on this launch.

And something I’m gonna keep in mind with future launches.

So that was the first lesson…

Now I got one more lesson I want to share with you…

And this one is something I can’t fully wrap my mind around (but I have a guess as to why it happens)…

And that’s…

2. The buyers you get when you re-launch an offer almost always refund at a higher rate

I’ve re-launched multiple offers to my list this year and the refunds are always higher on the re-launch than they are on the initial launch.

In my case, it’s not a big deal since my refunds the first time around are usually like 2% (which is very low).

So even if it jumps a bit, it’s not an issue.

However the refund rate does go up on a re-launch, and I find that interesting.

My theory on why this happens is that most of the best buyers on my list purchase during the initial launch.

So all the die-hards who have bought 5-10 things from me over the years buy on the initial launch.

And they’re not available to buy the second time around. 

So on the re-launch, the quality of buyers is not the same.

Now this isn’t to say that if you bought from me on this launch, you’re a low quality buyer.

It’s moreso that the buyer changes from “diehard super buyer” to “regular buyer”.

So the regular buyers don’t know me as well…

Or they might be new to my list…

And with that, the refund rate seems to go up a bit.

In the grand scheme of things, this obviously doesn’t matter.

Cause my refund rate is still under 5%.

And most people in my position have refund rates in the 10-15% range (or higher).

But I still find it interesting that it goes up when I re-launch an offer (if you have any theories as to why that is, I’d love to hear it). 


Overall I’m happy with how this launch turned out.

And congrats to all the people who picked up the 13 Email Hooks course. 

Hopefully you got a nugget or two from these lessons that you can use in your own biz…

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.