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Over the last few days, I’ve been singing the praises of the dark lord of email, Mr. Ben Settle.


Cause he’s damn good at what he does.

And his emails have had a big influence on me ever since I first got on his list in 2012.

He convinced me to be a paid subscriber of his print newsletter…

And he also persuaded me to purchase numerous books from him over the years…

So I’ve drank the Ben Settle kool-aid on many occasions…

And in the process of drinking the kool-aid, I learned some very powerful (and profitable) lessons about writing, world-building, storytelling and even boundaries in business.

So I want to share a few of those lessons with you, starting with…

1.  March to the beat of your own drum (AKA be you, and your crowd will follow)

A lot of gurus and experts try to play the game of appealing to everyone.

But not Ben.

He says things that offend people…

He can be critical…

And he even repels certain people on purpose…

This does two things for him…

It drives away the people he doesn’t want in his world.  And it also makes the people who like him, like him even more. 

So by being himself, he’s attracting (and repeling) a very specific kind of person.

And that’s a smart lesson.

If you’re a coach, expert or a guru and you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll end up appealing to no one.

You want to be yourself…

And let that attract the people who are a good fit for you.

Alright, lets hop to the second lesson I learned from Ben…

2. Be in front of your people everyday

A lot of people poo-poo the idea of mailing their list everyday.

They think it’s invasive…

Or it’s gonna piss people off.

Sure it will upset some people, and that’s perfectly ok.

But here’s the thing…

By emailing your list every single day, you stay top of mind.

People read your emails…

And they see your name…

And even if they only open 2-3 of those emails, you’re getting more bonding with them than you would if you only mailed them once a week.

Mailing everyday keeps you top of mind.

It increases the bond you have with your list…

And it also makes you more money.

So if you want all that, then you should mail them everyday. 

Alright, let’s hop to the third lesson I’ve learned from ole’ Ben.

3. You can focus on making money now, but there’s more money in playing the long game

One thing I respect about Ben is that he isn’t just focused on making money today. 

He’s in this for the long haul and he wants you to keep buying from him a year from now, two years from now and so on.

I can tell you from experience that most of the guru crowd does not think like this.

They only care about today.

And they’ll sell whatever piece of shit they have to sell to get a big payday today. 

Ben is not like that.

He knows if he wants to be successful at this in 2025 and 2030, then he needs to focus on the long game.

This is something I do as well, and I’d highly suggest you do it too if you care about being in the game for a while. 

Alright let’s do one more of these…

4. Everything from your emails to your landing pages to your book covers should fit your brand

If you look at anything Ben puts out, it all has his unique brand on it. 

His opt-in page fits his brand…

His book covers fit his brand…

Hell, even the names of his courses (Elbenbo Press, Profit Pirates, Client Horde) fit in with his brand…

Nothing he puts out is “off brand”.

It all feels very “Ben Settle ish”.

Which is incredibly smart.

Cause it creates it’s own little world, and it sets him apart from everyone else out there.

So whatever your brand is…

You’d be smart to make sure it permeates through everything you do. 

So there ya go…

Those are a few of the big lessons I’ve learned from reading Ben’s emails over the years.

If you’re not on his list, I’d highly recommend getting on it.

He may or may not be your cup of tea…

But if you read his emails…

You’ll soak up some valuable lessons that will help you make a lot of moolah with your emails. 

So well worth it to get on his list.

You can get on his list, and snag a free copy of his 17-page email cheat sheet right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.