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A reader named Chris asks…

What’s your opinion when it comes to short emails vs. long emails when selling?  Does one work better than the other?

Great question.

And here’s my answer…

It depends.


Because the sales page you’re sending them to really determines if the email needs to be shorter or longer.

For example…

Let’s say your sales page is similar to a page that a company like Biotrust runs.  

Biotrust pages are a blend of direct response and ecomm.

And they’re usually about 15-20 pages in length.

If you use a short email with a page like this, it will probably have mediocre results. 

But if you useed a little longer email (one that sells a little moree) I bet you’d make a lot more sales…


Most sales pages and VSL’s aren’t like this.

If you look at a Gundry VSL…

Or an Agora sales page….

They are LONG (really long)

And they do all the selling for you.

So for a typical VSL…

Or a typical sales page…

Your email will usually do btter if it’s shorter.


Because you get more people to the sales page.

It’s as simple as that.

And if the sales page is good at selling…

Then you’ll wind-up making more sales. 

Which begs the question…

How do you write an email that gets the MOST amount of people to the sales page?

I’ve taught a bunch of methods for this…

One is a curiosity email…

Another is a story-based email…

However, the style that seems to work the best (and is the easiest to write) is what my friends Tanner Henkel and Jerrod Harlan have come up with.

They call it a “PWAT” email.

It’s only 120-words long…

And it’s super simple to write…

However, they’ve used the PWAT-style emails to take Natural health Sherpa’s list from $2 million in neet rev to $6.6 million in net rev in a single year.

They’ve also used it to beat winning controls for  big emailers like VShred, Breakthrough Guitar, Credit Secrets and more…

What’s more…

The PWAT formula has made both Tanner and Jerrrod a bunch of moolah as copywriters.

Simply by writing emails using this formula, they’re able to make $20k-$30k per month.

Hell, Tanner even wrote a single email (just one email) that he was paid $20k for.

So these guys know what they’re doing…

And it’s why I think you should learn from them.

So here’s the deal…

Tanner and Jerrod recently released their new course all about PWAT-style emails.

It’s called the 7 Figure Email Machine.

And in the course, they breakdown exactly how to write a PWAT style email (they share a ton of examples).

They also show you all the hacks they use to make 2-3x what most people make when sending an email.

This includes secret “from names”, weird images that boost sales by 60%, and subject lines that break every rule in the book (but make a ton of sales).

So if you have your own list…

Or if you write emails for list owners…

I would highly encourage you to pick this bad boy up.

If you’ve been on my list a while, you know I don’t endorse many products.

So when I do…

It’s something I truly believe in.

This is one I believe in.

So if that piques your interest…

You can check out the 7 Figure Email Machine and get all the details on it right here.


If you want $500 off the regular price…

Use the code “JUSTIN500” at checkout.

That code is only good until Saturday night.

So instead of paying $1497 for the course, you’ll pay just $997.

So make sure to use that code at checkout.


If you’re serious about making more dough with email…

Then you owe it to yourself to check this out…

Here’s the link again…

-> The 7 Figure Email Machine

Talk soon,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.