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Here’s an actual picture of me right now…

I’m sitting on my couch…

Watching the Cowboys game…

And while I’ve been watching the game, I made a little over $1300.


Think about that…

When I was younger, I used to wash dishes at Perkins in a 100 degree kitchen for $5.15 an hour.

So for $5.15 an hour I had to…

Scrape half eaten food off people’s plates… 

Pick cigarette butts out of their drinks…

And listen to servers bitch all day cause I wasn’t washing their dishes fast enough.

And I did all that for $5.15 an hour. 

Talk about insanity.

I don’t know how I did it.

Or how I lasted for over two years in that job…

But here’s what I can tell you…

I can tell you I’m a lot happier with how I make money today.

Cause I don’t have to listen to anybody…

I simply write emails…

I tell stories…

And I share my wisdom with you…

And I’m able to make more than most doctors or lawyers make doing that.

So it’s a nice life.

Much better than the one I had scrubbing dishes.

Now, maybe being able to do something like I do interests you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

Then I want to help you.

Here’s the deal…

I’m currently running a Black Friday special on 6 of my best trainings of the last year.

In the bundle I show you everything you need to know to build an email list…

And to make money from that list.

It’s like getting to download my brain when it comes to making money with email.

Everything in this bundle has a real value of over $3000 (and hundreds of people have already paid the real price for it)

But since it’s Black Friday…

I want to give you a killer deal on this.

So if you act now…

I’m gonna give you all 6 trainings in this bundle so that you too can make money from your couch like I’m doing today. 

Everything you need to do that is in this bundle…

So if that piques your interest…

Check out the bundle…

And see if it’s a fit for you right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.