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Most copywriters make $100 or $200 when they write an email for their clients…

However, a few years ago, I helped Tanner Henkel come up with a sneaky plan that allowed him to write one email and then “rent” that email out to a business owner for $5k per month…

So each month the business owner used the email, Tanner got paid $5k.

In the end, the business owner wound-up using his email for four months…

So Tanner made $20k off the deal…

And that all came as the result of writing ONE email.

Now you’re probably wondering how this works…

So allow me to explain it…

The concept behind the “rental email” is simple…

If you can make an offer owner a LOT of money, they will usually be glad to pay you a LOT of money in return.

So based on that idea…

Here’s what I had Tanner do…

At the time Tanner was writing a bunch of emails for a client who wanted to run those emails on paid email traffic. 

So he was buying email drops on big lists like Newsmax or Easy Health Options.

So instead of having Tanner charge his normal fee for these emails, here’s what I told him to do.

I said…

“Tell them if the email works on these lists and they’re able to keep running your email, then they can pay you $5k a month to “rent” your email copy from you”

So basically if the email converts…

And the business owner is happy with the performance…

Tanner would get paid $5k every month that they used the email.

So that’s what I told him to do…

Luckily for Tanner, he’s good at implementing things, and he took my advice to heart. 

And over the next few months, the offer owner continued to use the email Tanner wrote over and over again. 

He ran it on lists like Newsmax…

And Easy Health Options…

And that email was bringing in a bunch of new buyers for the offer owner. 

So in return, Tanner kept getting paid each month.

$5k in March…

$5k in April…

$5k in May…

And another $5k in June…

Overall this email was able to run for about four months before it finally burnt out and had to be retired.

But in the end, Tanner pocketed a cool $20k from this little experiment. 

Which is pretty impressive.

Now if you’ve never charged this much for email copy, it might seem insane that someone would pay this much for email copy.

But the reality is…

There are a TON of offer owners that would be glad to “rent” your email from you if you wrote something that converted for them on paid email lists.


Because if your email converts…

They’re going to acquire a bunch of new buyers from it.

And those buyers will make them a lot of money in the long run…

So if your email converts, it’s a big win for them.

And it’s obviously a big win for you as well.

Cause instead of getting paid $100 or $200 for an email like most copywriters do…

You can make $5k a month from just ONE email.


That’s the whole idea behind it.

And how Tanner used it to to make $20k…

I gave you the nuts and bolts of how the “rent an email” process works, so feel free to use it.

And if you want more specifics on how to do it…

Like which clients are open to this kind of deal…

Or how to setup the deal properly so the client doesn’t screw you and not pay you…

Then I suggest you snag a copy of Tanner’s email course that he just re-opened.

In the course, he has an entire module dedicated to how to setup these “rental emails”. 

He shows you the exact kind of clients who will be open to this…

And how to set the deal up so that you’re guaranteed to get paid each and every month they use your email.

Tanner literally walks you through the whole process. 

So if that piques your interest…

I recommend picking up his course today.

The course is normally $997…

But this week he’s running a special deal where you can give the course a try for just $97 today (and then three future payments of $297). 

So you don’t have to pay it all upfront.

You can spread it out over a few months which will make it easier on your cash flow. 

So it’s a hell of a deal if you ask me.

The only downside is that it’s only available for a few more days…

After that, the course goes back to $997.

So if you want to get the inside scoop on how to make passive income from these “rental emails”… 

I suggest checking out his course right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.