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Last summer when I was at Mike Geary’s house for his mastermind, a discussion broke out about split testing software.

“We just use Google Analytics” said one of the guys on the couch…

Another guy chimed in “we use VWO but not very happy with it for how much we’re paying”

This went on for about 5 minutes.

Most of the people in the room were using a split testing software that was “ok” in their minds…

But they weren’t truly happy with.

That’s when Mike chimed in…

We have a custom solution that this guy named Stephan built for us.  It’s crazy accurate – also tracks stuff like average customer value, upsell conversion rate and all that

Most of the heads in the room turned to Mike…

“Can we see it?”

At that point, Mike and Dave Sinick walked us through this custom software they were using.

And I was blown away.

It did split testing…

It tracked upsell conversion rates…

It tracked the AOV for the whole funnel…

It tracked revenue per customer…

Hell, it even integrated with all the stuff you need for reporting like Maropost, XVerify, HasOffers, Get Response, Infusionsoft and more.

As soon as I saw all the features I was sold.

I wanted it.

But there was a tiny problem.

Stephan who created the software didn’t have any interest in selling it to anyone else.

Don’t ask me why…

But he was just kind of happy doing this for Mike and Dave and a few other big marketers on a 1-on-1 basis. 

That really put a damper on things.

So I kind of forgot about it.

However a few weeks ago I got an interesting email from my friend Matt Shuebrook.

Since that mastermind last year, Matt was able to convince Stephan to release the software to make the software available to other business owners on a limited basis.  

So they’re doing a limited release to 100 people right now. 

And that’s why I’m writing to you today.

Matt let me know that they’re offering a free 14 day trial of the split testing software.

So you can test the whole thing for two weeks and see if you like it.

And then after that it’s something like $197 a month for it (which is a crazy steal for something this powerful).


I wanted to let you know that the 14-day free trial is available now.

Matt said they only have the bandwidth to handle about 100 users at this point.

So once they hit the 100 users, they’ll probably stop offering the free trial.

So if you’re in need of a good split testing sofware that also shows you things like your upsell take rate, and your AOV, I’d highly recommend checking this out.

It works on Clickbank, Limelight, Ultracart, Infusionsoft and more (they can make it work for any cart, just ask them).

All the info and details about the software are on the sales page right here.

– Justin

P.S. –  One note… Mike Geary paid close to $20,000 to have this software custom built for him and his companies.

So getting to try it for free is a hell of a deal.

I highly recommend you grab the free trial while it’s still available here

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