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Most entrepreneurs don’t give enough thought to what THEY want when it comes to their lifestyle.

For example…

I’m currently in Hawaii for a few weeks…

For me this is a chance to chill out…


And hang on the beach…

This is part of the lifestyle I want.

However in certain businesses, being away for 3 weeks wouldn’t be possible.

For example, if I did phone consulting all day.

I’d have to always be on calls (which I hate).

And if I wanted to be in Hawaii for 3 weeks, I’d have to completely take that time off.

Which means I wouldn’t make any money.

That might be fine for some people…

But it’s not fine for me.

It doesn’t fit with what I want.

And what you want differs for everyone…

Your goal might be to simply be done working by 4 PM so you can see your kid’s little league games.

Or maybe you’re the adventurous type and you want to work just a few hours a day, and backpack around Europe.

Whatever floats your boat.

There’s no right answer to this.

But the key is that you know what your ideal life looks like.

And you build towards it.

You want to make sure you’re building a business that fits YOUR lifestyle.

That’s crucial.

The last thing you want is a successful biz that works, but it doesn’t fit your lifestyle.

You don’t want that.

They need to be compatible.

So my advice?

Give more thought to what kind of life you want to be living.

Really look at it in detail…

And then build your business to compliment that.

That’s my 2 cents.

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.