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Earlier this year I laid out a few of my goals for 2020 in an email. 

I believe they were…

1.  Focus less on my business, and more on my relationships

2.  Get out and be more social – more dating, meet new people

3.  Grow Copy Accelerator to 130 people, launch 1000 Buyers A Day, and launch one more project (coming in 2021).

So those were the main goals…

I obviously made all of these before the pandemic hit.

So that threw a wrench in my plans.

But here’s where I’m at on all of these…

1.   Focus less on my business, more on my relationships

This one has gone in waves.  

Once corona hit, I tried to keep this up, but it was too damn hard.

There was nothing to do. 

So I just wound up working a bunch.

Eventually I stopped fighting this and just doubled down on working for a few months.   

I didn’t have much else to do so I was ok with it.

Since then I’ve pulled back a bit on work (at least for me).

And I’ve been pushing myself at least 2x a week to hang with friends at the park, play Spikeball, go on walks etc…

Obviously kind of limited in what we can do with all the restrictions going on…

But I’m making the most of it.

2.  Get out and be more social – date more, meet new people

I would say in the last month or so I’ve gotten a lot better at this. 

From March-July, I was pretty adamant that dating was a risk I wasn’t really willing to take with a pandemic going on (especially since I’m one of the high-risk people).

And it still worries me…

But I kind of hit a wall with that in August. 

And just said “fuck it”. 

So I’ve been on a few dates in the last month, which has been fun.   

Prior to the pandemic one of my goals was to get away from short term dating (which I’ve done for a few years) and actually look for a serious long term relationship.

Not sure if any of the women I’m talking to now will wind up being long-term relationships, but I’m glad I’m at least doing something here…

So that’s a win.

Let’s hop to my last goal…

3. Grow Copy Accelerator to 130 people, launch 1000 Buyers A Day, and launch a secret project as well.

Copy Accelerator has been growing like crazy this year. 

Our event in Vegas in February was a huge hit and we had a bunch of people join the mastermind at the event.

Stefan and I actually decided to cap the group at 110 people instead of 130.   

So we currently have 110 people in the group.

This motivated us to launch the LITE version of Copy Accelerator a few months ago, which was really well received. 

I think we have close to 60 people in the LITE version of Copy Accelerator.

We have our big virtual event coming up September 10th and 11th (details coming this week if you want to buy a ticket) so everything on the Copy Accelerator front is going well.

My 1000 Buyers A Day course launched a few weeks ago, and was a BIG hit.

Did way better than I expected…

Had a bunch of issues with the launch (and the shipping due to the current political BS with the postal system)…

But overall the offer was a success.

My secret project that was supposed to launch later this year, will most likely be a 2021 launch now.

More deets to come on that…

So there ya have it…

A little look into my 2020 goals…

And where I’m at with each one. 

I think I’ve done a pretty solid job on them despite all the unexpected shit that’s happened.

So that makes me happy.

I’m not really sure how to wrap this email up, so I’ll just say that’s all I got for ya…

I’m off to the gym in a bit.

Enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.