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One of the the best things you do to avoid burn out is to take REAL breaks from your work.

For example, this past weekend I did a little 3-day  getaway with a few friends. 

We rented a lakehouse about an hour outside of Austin…

And for the entire weekend we just chilled out.

We swam in the pool…

Played poker…

We bought a bunch of steaks and grilled out all weekend.

That was it.

There was no agenda.

We weren’t working while we were there.

I didn’t even bring my laptop with me.

Which is strange for me.

Cause I almost always do SOME work…

Even if it’s just an hour in the morning writing this email.

But this weekend I didn’t do any of that.

I just hung out and relaxed.

And the fact that I’m able to do something like this  is surprising to me.

Cause I used to be the guy who NEVER took breaks.

I never took a REAL vacation.

I never went somewhere without my laptop.

But after burning myself out many times…

I’m now learning my lesson.

If you want to do this for years and years, you need to take REAL breaks from your work.

Which is hard to do, I know.

Especially if you’re like me and you worry that your whole business is gonna fall apart without you.

But that never happens.

But what does happen is that you feel a renewed sense of energy.

Like this morning, I’m more amped to dive into my work than I normally am.

And that seems to happen over and over again when I take breaks.

It simply re-invigorates me.

And makes me eager to jump into my work.

So long story short…

If you’re like me and you aren’t the kind of person who takes breaks…

Or you’re always bringing your laptop with you on vacation…

I highly recommend taking a few days off a couple times a year.

No work.

No email.


The more I’ve been doing this, the more I’m convinced it’s crucial for long term success. 

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.