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One question I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is “what is your why?”

I used to never like this question when I was younger.


Cause I didn’t really have a “why”.

It was basically just “money”.

But as I’ve gotten older, my “why” has changed.

And for me that looks like this…

The freedom to do what I want

I was never a good employee when I was younger.

I don’t like people telling me what to do.

Especially if it’s mindless, stupid shit that isn’t going to move the needle.

So for me, the ability to work when I want…

And on what I want…

Is really important.

Which kind of ties in with my second “why”…

And that’s having the lifestyle I want.

I used to be a work-a-holic.

Putting in 12 hour days…

And avoiding anything that didn’t move my business forward (friendships, dating, fun etc…)

It took me a while to realize that was NOT what I actually wanted.

I actually like working less…

And having more time for things I enjoy.

I’m at the point where no amount of money would be worth me working 60-80 hours a week and being miserable.

And then my last “why” would have to be “impact”.

This is one that has really meant a lot more to me in the last year or so.

Mostly because I get to see so many success stories of copywriters I’ve helped go from an office job they hate, to now making $7k a month writing copy.

Or a business owner scaling their offer from 20 sales a day to 400 sales a day (and seeing how that changes things for them and everyone around them).

Honestly it’s like crack watching this happen.

It’s addicting.

And every new success story makes me want to help others see those same results.

So for me, my “why” really comes down to those three things…




And I make sure I filter every decision I make in my business (and my life) around those.


I go through this check list over and over.

And if a new project impedes on these three things…

Then I don’t do it.

These are pretty much “non negotiables” for me.

If you’ve never really thought of this…

Or thought about your “why”…

I’d suggest you do it.

It’s powerful.

And it makes it a whole lot easier to make decisions.

Alright, I need to wrap this up and head out for a walk.

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin


Want to come hang with me and Stefan Georgi (the #1 copywriter in the world) for three days?

Check this out (even if you’re not in the U.S.)


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