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I was planning to give you a big recap of our Copy Accelerator event yesterday morning…

However after 3 days of speaking, running an event, and staying up late for the cocktail party,  I was running on fumes yesterday.

So I didn’t write an email yesterday…

But today I will.

So without further adieu…

Here’s a few of my biggest takeaways from our Copy Accelerator event.

1. Many of the “fringe” AOV and LTV boosters are becoming essential to scaling an offer

Stefan Georgi and I did a presentation on day one of the event where we gave out 6 AOV boosters that most offer owners are missing out on.

These included things like ride-along offers, thank you page offers, duplicating your email list, outbound phone sales and more…

These AOV boosters used to be “gravy” on top of your revenue.

But now-a-days they’re becoming essential.


Cause click costs are going up…

And there’s more offers than ever before…

So that means your AOV has to be higher.

When I put out my first offer in 2010, I didn’t even have upsells at the time, and I was still able to scale that offer.

Now you have zero chance of doing that.

And same thing is happening with a lot of the AOV boosters we went over like outbound calls, partials, thank you page offers and more.

They’re becoming essential.

Alright let’s jump to the next one…

2.  There’s a few key needle movers when it comes to email marketing

On Day 2 of the event we brought on Ed Scow (Mike Geary’s business partner) to share some of the stuff they do when it comes to monetizing email lists.

If you don’t know Ed, him and Mike manage over 35 email lists and they did $13 million in affiliate commission off these lists last year.

So he’s a boss at email. 

During his talk, Ed broke down the biggest “needle movers” when it comes to email. 

Some of the ones that stood out to me were…

– Getting into the primary tab for Gmail

Ed shared an example of an email landing in the primary tab vs. the promotions tab.

The primary tab did about $20k in commissions.

The promo tab did about $13k in commissions.

Now imagine if every email you sent went into the promo tab.

At the end of the year, you’d make $1.3 million, when you could have made $2 million.

So big difference there if you’re not landing in the primary tab on most days.

– Dial in your autoresponders with proven creatives

One of the things Ed and I both agree on is that traditional “welcome emails” are a waste of time.

The people on your list don’t care.

And they aren’t gonna read all 7 of them in order and then wait to get put on your main list.

Ed gets the best results by simply taking the email creatives that work best to their list and turns those into the autoresponder.

Some of these are straight sale emails…

Others blend content with sales.

But the big takeaway was that the traditional welcome emails are hurting you when it comes to revenue.

Alright let’s do a few more takeaways…

There are more general takeaways about success that I witnessed at the event…

– Stefan and I don’t ever pitch our stuff as “get rich quick”.  However it’s amazing to see the leaps some of our members have made in less than a year.

Joe Logalbo went from $700k to $3.2 million in revenue in the last year…

Michael Rochin went from 0 copy gigs to making $10-$12k a month as a copywriter…

Areeba Ahmed went from low-paying Upwork clients to a $5k a month retainer client…

Troy Ericson went from $30k in income,  to close to $300k in income…

It is absolutely possible to make life-changing money in just a year.

So while you probably won’t go from broke to rich in a week…

You can make some HUGE strides in a year.

Let’s do one more here…

– One of the biggest mistakes I made when I got into the online marketing world was trying to do everything on my own.

I never looked for a mentor.  Or hired a coach.

And it’s why it took me 3-4 years to finally hit the 6-figure mark (and even once I hit it, I wasn’t consistent).

Compare that to some of the people I help now, and they’re hitting 6-figures in their first or second year. 


Well because I’m telling them exactly what to do, and what not to do.

I made SO MANY mistakes myself over the years. 

And if I simply had someone coaching me, I would have been successful a lot sooner.

I recommend searing that one into your brain.

The best way to get to the next level is to learn from someone who’s already done what you want to do…

And this is true whether you’re a new copywriter, or you’re a business owner doing $20 million a year.

Someone out there has already been through all the growing pains…

And they’ve made all the mistakes that you’re gonna make.

Best to just learn from them and save yourself a whole bunch of time and money in the process!

So there ya go…

Those are a few of my biggest takeaways from our event this past week.

Hope you got a nugget or two out of this…

Enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin  

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.