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Over the weekend, a reader asked…

“If you only had an index card to give me advice on building a business, what would you put on it?” 

Great question.

Really it would boil down to the following…

– You’re in the customer acquisition business – getting new buyers should be your #1 focus

– Sell people something they REALLY, REALLY want (and make it easy for them to say “yes”)

– Put all your focus on one offer and one traffic source.  Don’t deviate from that until you’re doing 100+ sales a day

– Balance your business and your life together – you can’t do 12 hours a day, 7 days a week forever.  You have to have a life outside your business

– Make sure your business is about what YOU want.  Make sure it’s something you want to do day-in and day-out for the next 5 years.  

– Once you start making money with your business, learn how to keep more of that money and how to grow that money 

Soo there ya go…

That’s the “Justin philosophy” summed up on an index card.

Short and sweet.

But it hits on the most important things I teach. 

Things like customer acquisition…

Focusing on one thing…

And building your life and your business together.

To me that’s what matters.

And if you focus on these things…

You’re gonna do alright.

That’s my 2 cents…

Hope this was helpful for you.

– Justin

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