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One thing you’ll find among all the best marketers is that they are “eternal students” of the game.

Case in point…

Right now I’m putting the final touches on my list building training that I’m gonna launch next week…

So my mind is racing with ideas.

I’m jotting down potential hooks…

And I have ideas for bullets swirling around in my head… 

Now if I wanted to, I could easily just use the marketing ideas that I have. 

And my copy would do great….

But I’m always looking to learn…

And I’m always looking for holes in my approach.

So what am I doing?

Well this morning I dug into the back of my closet and pulled out some of my old Mel Martin ads from the 90’s (see below)…

If you don’t know Mel, he was considered the “king of bullets” back in the day.

He even wrote what is probably the most famous bullet of all time…

“What never to eat on an airplane”

So the guy knows his shit…

And it’d be dumb to NOT study his bullets before I write the copy for my list building training.

So that’s what I’m doing this morning…

I’m putting my ego aside…

And combing through his copy like an eager little student. 

Which is a very valuable lesson…

One that could make you a lot of dough over your lifetime if you follow it…

And it’s this…

The best marketers are OPEN to learning from others…and they don’t let their ego get in the way of them being a better marketer.

That’s super important.

Cause reality is that most people don’t think like this.

Most people get a little success and they think they know everything (i.e. me at age 25). 

But if you do that…

And if you close yourself off to learning new stuff…

You’ll become irrelevant.

That’s the truth. 

So no matter how successful you become…

I suggest you keep an OPEN mind and push yourself to be an “eternal student”. 

That’s a simple idea…

But it’s one that can make you a lot of dough if you adhere to it.

So I suggest ya do…

That’s all I got for ya today.

Hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.