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Yesterday’s email about money fueled a lot of questions in my inbox…

And one email in particular caught my eye.

It was about money and happiness…

And the guy basically asked me “do you think money can make you happy?” 

Now this is a question I love…

Cause I’ve been broke (back in 2010)…

And I’ve been rich…

So I have some perspective on it…

Here’s my thoughts…

I believe having money will absolutely make your life better.

You won’t have to stress about bills…

Or unexpected expenses popping up…

And you can certainly live a much comfier life than most people (vacations, nice place to live, eating steak instead of chicken etc…)


I can say that if you’re hoping for money to make you happy, or if you’re looking for money to fill a hole inside of you, you’ll probably be disappointed.

And I know this, cause that’s exactly what happened to me.

In 2017, after building my supplement company for three years and growing it to a $23 million dollar business…

I sold my my share of the business to my partner and got a nice multi-million dollar payout.

Which was great…

I got more money in one day than I ever thought I’d make in my life. 

So it was a big moment…

However that feeling of elation was just temporary.

After a few days, I realized making a bunch of money wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.

No one around me really cared…

There wasn’t a ticker-tape parade in my honor…

And there certainly weren’t any women throwing themselves at me because of my newfound wealth.

It was just me wondering “is this it?”

Which was a tough pill to swallow.

Cause I had been working at this goal for 18+ years.

I had always wanted to be a millionaire.

And I sacrificed a lot to make it happen.

So when it finally happened…

And I still felt the same, it was tough. 

I felt let down…

Like I had just dedicated my whole life to this pursuit, and it wound-up not giving me what I wanted.

So that was a tough lesson to learn.

But I’m glad I learned it.

Because now I have a better perspective on money.

I see money for what it is.

It’s a way to make your life more enjoyable.

That’s what money does.

It’s not meant to make you feel “whole”.

And it’s not meant to make you happy.

It’s simply a tool to make your life better (and the lives of those around you).

So there ya go…

If you were ever wondering if money will make you happy…

That’s my 2 cents on it.

Hope this gave you some insights…

Enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin

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