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Something I’m a big proponent of is getting very clear on what works for YOU (both in business and in life).

For example…

Here’s a few things that work for me…

– Writing first thing in the morning

My best writing happens right after I wake up.

If I wait until the afternoon…

Or try to write in the evening…

It simply doesn’t get done.

So I know from experience that my best writing happens in the 2-3 hours after I get up.

– Working out 3 days a week

For the last few years I’ve been on a 3-day a week workout split.

Which I enjoy…

Some weeks I’ll do M-W-F…

Other weeks I’ll do T-Th-Sat

Either way, I get my workouts in when I’m doing 3 a week.

But that’s not the case when I try to do more than 3 workouts in a week.

I was reminded of this recently when I started a 5 day a week program.

I started out fine in the first week…

But as the weeks went on, I found it harder and harder to complete all 5 workouts.

And once I started missing workouts, I lost momentum.

So what did I do?

I went back to 3-days a week.

Cause I know that works for me.

I won’t miss workouts with 3 a week.

And 3 days a week is plenty for my strength goals. 

So I’m sticking with it…

Let’s look at another thing that works for me…

– Taking at least one full day off from work each week 

For me, I usually take Saturday off.

So that means I don’t open my laptop…

Or do any writing…

It’s simply a day to have fun.

So I might lay by the pool…

Grab dinner w/ friends…

Or just lay on the couch all day and watch football (one of my favorite things to do). 

It doesn’t really matter what I do…

It’s a day off for me.

And I know from experience that I need a full day off each week.

Cause without that day off, I burn out.

So a full day off each week works for me.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

– Not traveling more than once a month

The idea of traveling always sounds a lot better to me than it actually is.

One thing I’ve realized in the last few years is that I truly enjoy being at home.

I like being in my routine…

Going to my gym…

Going to the Ocean Lab to sauna & cold plunge…

Sleeping in MY bed…

All of that stuff I miss when I travel.

So I know from experience that if I plan too much travel in a month, I start to resent it.

I want to be back home. 

I want to be in my routine…

I know a lot of people are NOT like this…

And they love traveling all the time.

But this is why it’s important to figure out what works for you.

Cause for me, limiting my travel to once a month (twice at most) is what works for me. 

But you only figure that out by paying attention to what you like…

And what you don’t like.


That’s a few of the things that I know work for me.

I’ve learned these from a lot of trial-and-error.

But the big thing to take away from this is that you need to get clear on what works for YOU.

Cause what works for me, might not work for you…

It’s all about figuring out what works for you.

Keep that in mind.

And enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.