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A question comes in from Ron asking…

“I follow you on IG and like your overall philosophy on work.  What would you say are the core things you want people to know about being an entrepreneur or copywriter?”

Good question.

I summed up most of this in my millionaire blueprint (feel free to read that here).

But here’s my thoughts…

1.  Your end goal should be to get the life that YOU want. 

And that life differs for everyone. 

Some people want a lifestyle business where they can take time off and make a good living. 

Others want to build a big business and sell it.

There’s no right answer here, but you do have to know what you want before you can go after it.

The goal is to have a life that’s meaningful and enjoyable to YOU…not to someone else. 

2.  You have to develop a skill before you can get clients or build a business. 

In my opinion that skill should be copywriting or media buying (the two most valuable skills for our industry).   

You can’t put the cart before the horse. 

You need to be good at one of these skills before you can make 6 or 7 figures.

3.  Focus on one thing

If you’re a new copywriter, the best thing you can do is put all your focus on getting better at writing copy. 

If you have your own offer, the best thing you can do is focus on how to scale that offer. 

Stop getting distracted by every new thing that pops up in your inbox or on your Facebook feed and focus on ONE thing. 

4. Get feedback/help from someone who’s already doing what you want to do

 For years I resisted hiring a coach because I thought I could figure everything out on my own.

Eventually I figured most of it out, but it took me about 5-6 years longer than it should have.

I would have made a lot more money if I had just hired a coach who could have told me what to do.

The best way to get better at copy, or scaling an offer is to listen to someone who’s already done it.

5.  Once you’re making decent money, learn to balance your work and your personal life 

I used to focus on helping people solely to make more money, but the longer I’ve been doing this, the more I realize that having the money AND the balance in your life is what makes it sustainable.

If you’re making 7-figures, but your life at home is a mess, and you never see your kids, and your spouse is about to pack up and leave, that’s not any kind of ideal life.

There has to be balance.

Grinding out 14 hour days, and working all weekend, is only sustainable for so long.

Eventually you’lll hit the wall and burn out.

It’s easier to simply put some balance in your life from the start.

And make that balance a normal part of your life.

So there ya go…

I would say that’s my big “30,000 ft view” of how I look at business.

Like I said, I detailed all this in my Direct Response Millionaire Blueprint as well.

So if you haven’t read that yet…

I suggest you do (it’s free).

You can give it a read right here.

That’s all I got for ya this morning…

Hope ya got a good nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.