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One of the greatest marketing lessons that you can be reminded of is that you are NOT your customer.

Case in point…

The other day my buddy Joe and I were chatting, and he casually mentioned that he had “two girls come over in the past week from Tinder”.

I kind of did a double take when he said it.

Cause I thought everyone was on lockdown.

So the idea that Tinder dates were still happening threw me for a loop. 

“Wait, girls are ok with coming over to your house while all the quarantine stuff is going on?”

“Yeh, hasn’t made a difference” he said.

I was surpised at this.

Cause it seemed insane to me.

I’m not even willing to risk hanging out with my good friends at their house, let alone some rando from Tinder.

But apparently others don’t feel that way. 

I was completely fascinated by all this, so I prodded Joe for more information…

“Are you bringing up quarantine stuff to them when you’re texting them?  Like is it something they’re worried about?” I asked.

“No, I haven’t had to. It doesn’t even come up.  The conversations are basically the same ones I would have had before all this started.” Joe replied.

“Wow, I did not expect that” I said.

Joe and I chatted for a few more minutes after this…

But I was still surprised by everything he was saying.

In my mind, I just assumed that other people would be taking this seriously…

And that things like Tinder dates could wait.

But here’s the thing…

People don’t think the same way.

And that’s kind of the big marketing lesson I want you to take away from ole’ Joe’s Tinder story…

Just because you would do something a certain way, doesn’t mean your customers would do the same thing.

This is one of the oldest marketing lessons in the book.

And it still holds true.

Many marketers have lost a fortune foolishly assuming that their customers would act the same way they would.

Big mistake.

Because when you boil it down…

You know a LOT more than your customer.

And you don’t have the same problems, pain points, desires as your customer.

You are two very different people.

So sear this into your brain…

And remember it all costs…

You are NOT your customer.

Just because you would act a certain way, doesn’t mean your customers will.

You’ll save yourself from losing a lot of dough if you simply keep that in mind.

That’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

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