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Something I’ve been thinking a lot about this year is the idea of “putting on blinders” when it comes to your business.

For example…

Back when COVID hit, I saw a lot of chatter on Facebook from marketers talking about “pulling back” and “not selling as hard” because of what was going on.

They thought it was wrong to sell stuff when the world was in disarray.

So in response to that…

They pulled back on their sales, ads etc…

This seemed like an idiotic idea to me at the time.

Especially because no one knew if this was going to be a long term or short term thing.

And looking back on it now, it was obviously a dumb decision on their part.


Because they missed out on a TON of sales.

More people were online than ever before…

And more people were buying than ever before.

So sales kept climbing for most businesses.

But not for these people…

They decided to pull back.

Now think about that for a second.

These business owners I’m talking about probably had a plan coming into this year.

And they let a couple outspoken gurus on Facebook change their entire business plan.

Does that sound insane to you?

Cause it does to me.

And this brings me back to the idea of having “blinders in your business”.

If you’re not familair with blinders, they’re used in horse racing so that the horse can only focus on what’s ahead of them.

It prevents the horse from looking all over the place and getting distracted.

Well the people who I’m talking about who pulled back their businesses in March…

And stopped running ads…

And stopped mailing offers to their list…

They need blinders. 

They need focus.

This is something I’ve been really zeroing in on in my own business.  

Less outside distractions…

Less business opportunities…

All my focus is on 2-3 things.

So if you struggle with being at the whim of everything around you…

Then I suggest you narrow your focus.

Foocus on one thing.

And once you have that one thing, keep the blinders on until you accomplish it.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.