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In honor of my pal Stefan Georgi releasing his new copywriting course this week, I’m going to do a series of emails revealing the biggest things I’ve learned from Stefan about copy.

And I’m gonna kick it off talking about a 2-page block of copy that Stefan uses to boost his average order value by as much as $29.

He calls it the “AOV money close”.

Funny enough, when Stefan initially taught me the AOV money close, I got pissed.


Because after seeing it in action…

I realized I had left SO MUCH money on the table over the years by not using it.


It probably would have added $3-$5 million to some of my past offers.

So I’m willing to bet, you’re leaving a bunch of money on the table as well if you’re not using it.

With that said…

Let’s dive-in to how it works.

Basically the AOV money close works on any offer that has multiple quantity options for the reader to buy on your sales page.

So for example, in supplements we offer a 1 bottle, 3 bottle or 6 bottle option for them to buy.

For financial newsletters, you offer a 1 year or 2 year subscription.

In survival, you might offer a 1 week, 4 week and 3 month quantity for your survival food.

These are all situations where you want to use the AOV money close.


Because the AOV money close simply gets MORE people to take the most expensive option on the page.

Which is what you want.

If 70% of your buyers are taking your most expensive option, your AOV is going to go through the roof.

I’ve actually seen a before-and-after of this where Stefan increased his client’s AOV $29 on a supplement offer simply by implementing this AOV close.

Think about that…

A $29 boost in AOV is massive.

That can turn an offer that’s a dud, into a winner that scales on cold traffic.

That’s how powerful it is.

But here’s the issue…

And I see this mistake over and over again when I’m reviewing sales pages…

Most people who have multi-quantity offers simply don’t have enough copy persuading the reader to take the biggest option.

They might briefly mention it…

Or they have a few lines about it on the checkout page…

But they don’t have an entire 2-page section dedicated to persuading the reader WHY they need the biggest option.

And that’s a mistake.

You have to show them what’s in it for them to take the biggest option…

Show them how it’s gonna get them better results…

Or make them more money…

Or help them and their family feel more secure…

That’s the key.

And you want to link all of those benefits to the biggest quantity option.

Which works like gangbusters.

Now there’s obviously more to the AOV money close than what I just showed you.

Including a secret way to organize the pictures of your product on your sales page to get more people to take your biggest option…

But I can’t teach the whole thing in a single email.


If you want to see the AOV close in all it’s glory (and see real-world examples of it as well)…

You can see all of it in Stefan’s new RMBC course.

He has an entire module dedicated to the “AOV Money Close”.

And shows you exactly how he does it…

And how you can implement it on any of your multi-option offers as well. 

It’s honestly one of the best things I’ve learned from Stefan.

Cause it’s easy to implement…

And the resulting AOV boost is massive.

So if you want to see how he does it…

I highly recommend you pick up his new RMBC course today.

I mentioned yesterday that I think Stefan drastically underpriced this course.

We teach RMBC in our Copy Accelerator group, and that costs upwards of $35,000 to be a member for the year.

Stefan is selling the RMBC course for less than $1000.

Which is an absolute steal.

And if you have the money, it’s a no-brainer in my eyes.


If you want to see the secrets behind the AOV money close, I highly recommend picking up the course while you can.

You can get all the details on the RMBC course, and see if it’s a fit for you right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.