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Over the next few days I’m gonna do a 3-part series breaking down the exact formula for getting rich.

This is all based on my own experience of going from a blue-collar upbringing to now having a multi 7-figure net worth at the age of 38.

So without further adieu…

Let’s start at step one.

Now, I want to be upfront about step one.

Step one is the hardest part in my opinion.

Going from nothing to making $100k a year is a lot harder than going from $100k a year to $500k a year. 


Cause in the beginning you don’t really know what you’re doing.

So you’ll make a bunch of mistakes.

And you’ll want to give up.

All your friends will think you’re crazy.

And most of the people around you will push you to do something “safer”. 

So if you’re not seeing results right away…

And you don’t feel like you see a light at the end of the tunnel…

It can be true grind to keep putting in the work day after day.

But I can tell you from experience, everyone I know that’s rich now went through this.

I did…

My friend Mike Geary did…

My mentees, Tanner and Alec, both did.

Nobody just starts something and then makes $500k in their first year.

That’s not reality. 

For most people it’s a lot of struggle in the beginning.

You gotta figure out what works (and what doesn’t work)…

And you gotta put the reps in. 

And you will undoubtably struggle with this.

But that’s just part of the process of learning a new skill. 

However, you need to learn that skill.

Cause a money-making skill is the foundation for getting rich.

In the direct response world, the skills I’m talking about are usually copywriting or media buying.

That’s what I see the most.

But any money-making skill has the potential to make you rich.

It could be sales…

It could be programming…

It could be accounting…

These will all make you money.

And your goal when starting out is to simply learn a money-making skill.

And then get damn good at it. 

Cause once you’re good at copywriting…

Or media buying…

Or even accounting…

You can make $100k or $200k a year from that skill.

You could do this working for someone else…

Or you could do it freelancing…

Either way works.

But the key is that you acquire some type of skill that will make you money.

I want you to etch that into your brain.

Acquiring a money-making skill is the #1 thing you want to focus on at the start.

Too many people ignore this, and they try to start a business right away.

There’s nothing wrong with starting a business (it’s probably the best way to get rich)…

But if you don’t know how to write copy…

Or how to buy media…

How are you going to make any sales in your business?

How are you gonna know what a good landing page looks like?

Or what a high-converting Youtube ad should look like? 

You won’t.

And that’s why your business will fail if you don’t have a money-making skill first. 

So for this reason, I’m a big proponent of putting all your focus at the beginning on acquiring a money-making skill.

And then using that skill for a few years to hit the $100k-$200k a year level of income. 

This is what I did.

And what most of the copywriters I taught are doing as well. 

My mentee Tanner did close to $320k last year writing copy.

My other mentee, Alec, did just north of $200k.

And that all happened in less than 4 years.

Much of their success is due to their hard work…

And having a good mentor…

But the other factor is that they’re able to stay focused on getting good at copy.

They’re not wasting time trying to learn other stuff like dropshipping, affiliate marketing or SEO.

They just keep working on copy…

And getting better each week.

That’s the key.

So to sum Part 1 of the hierarchy up…

Your focus at the beginning should 100% be on acquiring some type of money-making skill.

Whether that’s copywriting, media buying, sales…

Whatever it is…

Just find a skill that can make you good money…

And make sure it’s a skill that you genuinely enjoy doing day in and day out (this is important).

And if you can do that…

You’ll be on your way to mastering the first step of getting rich.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

I’ll be back tomorrow with Part 2 of this series.

So stay tuned…

And enjoy your Tuesday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.