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Over the next few days, I’m gonna do a little series on the psychology of selling to men.

We’ll dive into what I’ve seen work…

And what the big pain points and desires are for men. 

This will all be based on my experience selling hundreds of millions of dollars of products and services to men in multiple niches like dating, financial, health, coaching, biz-op, survival, fitness and more…

So with that said…

Let’s start with the emotion that men are in touch with the most…


Most guys don’t really understand their emotions.

They couldn’t tell ya when they feel sad…

Or guilty…

But they usually understand anger.


Cause it’s a little more acceptable to be an angry guy (as opposed to a guy who’s sad and crying).

So most men are in touch with anger.

And in a lot of the niches you sell to, that anger is the thing you want to tap into first since it’s on their mind.

For example…

With the survival niche, guys who are buying a 3-month bucket of survival food are obviously worried about what’s happening in the world…

However, if you want to relate to them in copy, you’re better off focusing on their anger instead of their fear.

So in survival you’ll see copy about…

– Joe Biden ruining the economy

– Crime taking over once peaceful neighborhoods

– Gas prices going through the roof

– the “woke” mob’s plan to eliminate men (because they’re a danger to society)

These things are all fueled by anger.

And for the demo this is going to (60 year old, conservative men) that’s exactly the state of mind they’re in.

They feel like they’re being ignored and getting the short end of the stick.

So they’re very upset.

And constantly bitching about things…

So you have to tap into that anger if you want to get their attention. 

Let’s look at another example…

In the men’s dating niche, all of the guys who buy products in that niche (whether it’s an ebook or an in-person bootcamp) have a lot of anger around women and dating.


Because most of their experience with dating has NOT been a positive experience.

Many of the buyers are your typical “nice guys” that try to do all the right things with dating. 

They take girls on dates, hold the door open, and spend $200 on a fancy dinner…

Yet 9 times out of 10, it ends with the girl not responding to their texts or giving them the “let’s just be friends” talk.

So he’s pissed off.

He feels like he’s doing everything right.

He’s trying to be the perfect gentleman…

But its not working.

All he’s doing is wasting money on dinner…

And winding up in the friendzone.

Which is frustrating.

And he’s mad at everything involved in the dating scene because of it.

He’s mad at the girls for not seeing how good of a guy he is…

He’s mad at the dating apps for not giving him better matches…

He’s also pissed at the guys who ARE hooking up with girls (and he’s even more pissed when he finds out that most of these guys are players who aren’t buying them nice dinners or taking them on fancy dates – yet they’re still getting laid).

So there’s a lot of anger brewing in this guy.

And in order to help him, you need to tap into that anger.

Cause the anger is what he’s in touch with.

He’s probably not as in touch with his fears…

Or even his desires…

But he is in touch with his anger.

So when you’re selling to men, tapping into their anger is always smart.

It’s something men easily understand.

And we’re not afraid to showcase our anger (like we are when we’re in pain, or we feel sad)  

We understand anger.

And that’s why when I’m selling to men, this is one of my favorite emotions to tap into.

It’s already at the front of their mind.

And it doesn’t take much to stir it up.

And that’s exactly what you want.

The more you can tap into what they’re feeling, the better your chances are of selling to them. 

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

I’m gonna continue this series on the psychology of selling to men for the next few days.

So make sure you tune in for the rest.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.