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Over the next 5 days, I’m going to share my 5 biggest takeaways from our Copy Accelerator mastermind last week.

And I’m kicking it off this morning with one from the upsell master, Jay Deiboldt.

I’ve been going to events since 2006, and the presentation on upsells that Jay gave at our mastermind was literally one of the best presentations I’ve ever seen.

And I wasn’t alone in thinking that.

I heard the same from heavy hitters like Allen Baler, Nick Daniel (VShred) and Ian Stanley. 

A lot of what Jay shared was counterintuitive to what you would think would work on upsells.

But out of everything he shared…

One of the best tips was actually something he kind of said in passing during his presentation.

It wasn’t a major point he was trying to make…

But it was profound.

Jay mentioned that “if buying your front-end product creates a new problem for your customer, then your first upsell should be something that solves that problem

For example…

Jay sells a program called “Credit Secrets” that helps people fix their credit score.

And the program is great. 

They’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people with it.


Buying that product creates a new problem for the customer…

And the problem it creates is that it’s a LOT of work to fix your credit.

There’s a boatload of forms to fill out.

It’s tedious.

And you have to be extremely organized to know what to fill out and when to send it in.

Only the most dedicated people will really go  through the effort to do this.

So what did he do to solve the problem?

He created a software called “The Automater” that fills out the forms for you!

Seriously this thing does like 90% of the work for you.

Which makes it a lot easier to fix your credit.

Talk about brilliant.

This is a perfect example of your front-end product creating a problem, and then your upsell solving that problem.

It’s part of the reason why this offer has done over $50 million in sales.

And why it’s kicking ass as both an infomercial and an online VSL. 

And here’s the best part…

You can apply Jay’s simple “create a problem, fix a problem” formula to most upsells.

If you sell a 3-day package of survival food to help people survive an emergency, you actually just created another problem for them.


Because deep down they know 3 days worth of survival food isn’t enough to survive a true emergency.

They know they need more than that.

So you can fix that problem by upselling them a full month’s supply (or a 3 month supply).

This is such a simple way to look at upsells.

And it converts like crazy. 

Which is why I’m glad Jay shared it with us.

So the big point to takeaway here is that if buying your front-end product creates a new problem for your customer, then your first upsell should solve that problem.

If you keep that in mind…

I promise your upsells are gonna convert a whole lot better.

That’s all I got for today.

Like I said, I’m gonna be sharing one of these big takeaways from the mastermind each day for the next 4 days.

It should give you a little taste of what went down in Vegas.

If you know someone who could use some help on their upsells, feel free to forward this along to them.

Talk soon,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.