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One of the big takeaways I had from the $31k affiliate promo I ran last week was just how well a pre-recorded webinar worked in my promo emails.  

Here’s the details…

Usually during my week-long promos I’ll send out a good story-based email in the morning.

And then I’ll send out one at night as well.

Usually these emails promote whatever course I’m selling (this can be either my own course or one that I’m an affiliate of).

Well this time instead of sending my usual emails at night…

I sent out a pre-recorded Zoom call that I did with Jerrod Harlan (the course creator) where we broke down 6 different email copy examples (which was what his course was about).

This was a pure content kind of call.

Jerrod shared a bunch of emails he had written…

And he broke each one down on the call…

So it was really valuable.

And I got a lot of good feedback on it.

But here’s what’s really interesting to me…

At the end of the call w/Jerrod I made a little 30-second pitch for his course.

Basically I said “if you thought this video was helpful, and you want to learn more from Jerrod, then you should pick up his course”.

I had no clue if this would make any sales…

But when I looked at my stats, I was surpised how well it did. 

Usually my evening emails will make 2 or 3 sales at most.

But the Zoom recording pulled in 6-8 sales both times I sent it to my list. 

So more than double what I’m used to.

Like I said, this surprised me. 

But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. 

If you watched the recording with Jerrod, it gives you a little taste of what his course is like.

He teaches you a few things you can implement to make your email copy better…

So it builds trust…

And it also creates an itch…

Cause you’re thinking “wow this was really helpful… if he’s sharing this for free, the course must be even better”.

So my big takeaway from the launch is this…

If you can mix helpful content in (like the Zoom call) along with the promo emails, it does even better.

This is not an earth-shattering revelation by any means…

But it’s something that I had never tried before…

And it probably made me an extra 10-15 sales.

So well worth it…


That stood out to me from the launch…

So I wanted to share it with you.

I had a few other insights from the launch that I may share tomorrow.

So be on the lookout for that…

That’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.