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Yesterday I broke down a few of my biggest lessons from my launch that just wrapped that did $89,832 in sales.

Today I’m gonna share a few more lessons with ya. 

That way you can swipe the things I learned and use them for yourself to make some dough.

Sound good?

Cool, let’s dig in…

1.  Teasing the launch for a few days pre-launch certainly helped improve sales on the first day

I’ve never done “pre launch” emails before.

I know they’re popular among people who do big ole’ launches…

But I never thought they’d make much of a difference.

But after doing them on this launch, now I see why people do them.

Getting people hyped up a few days before you launch creates a lot of anticipation.

It gets people looking out for your emails…

And as a result, you’ll make more sales on day 1.

I think I did $13k in sales on day one.

So it was a great first day.

And I’ll certainly be doing pre-launch emails again in the future.

Alright let’s look at the second lesson I had from this launch…

2.  I used Evaldo Albuquerque’s “16 Word Sales Letter” to get clear on exactly what I was selling

If you’ve never read Evaldo’s book on copywriting, you should.

Specifically the second chapter…

Cause he gives you a simple formula for getting clear on how your offer, your prospect’s desire and your unique mechanism all fit together.

His formula is as follows…

This new opportunity is the key to their desire and it’s only attainable through my new mechanism.

So an example of this for P90X would be…

Avoiding the plateau effect (new opportunity) is the key to building muscle (desire) and it’s attainable only through the P90X “muscle confusion” system (new mechanism).

That’s the whole deal.

I used this same formula before my launch to get clear on what it was that I was offering. 

And here’s what I came up with…

Building an email list full of “people with money” (new opportunity) is the key to making money whenever you wish (desire) and it’s only attainable through my “PWM method” (new mechanism). 

That simple sentence gave me so much clarity.

And made it easy as pie to write my emails.

So I’m gonna definitely keep using Evaldo’s formula in the future (and I’d suggest you do too).

It’s simple to do.

And really clarifies everything.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  On the final day of the launch, I made most of my emails about addressing people’s objections, and that pushed a lot of people to buy who were on the fence

The two biggest objections I got during this launch were…

1.  Will I get a recording of the training?


2.  Can I build a list if nobody knows who I am?

I probably got 10 different emails asking those exact questions.

So if I got 10 emails about it, that means it was on a LOT more people’s minds.

So I needed to address it.

So I made sure to address it head-on on the last day of the launch.

My second email on that day was titled “can I build a list if nobody knows who I am?”

And then my third email that day was “will there be a recording of the list building training?”.

So I didn’t beat around the bush with these…

I went right after people’s objections.

And that turned out to be a good idea.

Cause the final day racked up $38k in sales (which was about 40% of the total sales of the launch).

So it certainly worked…

And I’m sure it pushed a bunch of people to buy that were sitting on the fence. 

So there ya go…

Overall this was an awesome launch.

And it far exceeded what I was expecting.

So I’m hoping you swipe some of these lessons, and make yourself a pretty penny with ’em.

That’d make me happy.

Alright, that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

P.S. – If you purchased the list building training, I emailed the recordings to you Wednesday night.

If you didn’t get them for some reason, just respond to this and let me know.

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.