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Piggybacking on my email from yesterday…

I want to share a second lesson with you from my launch that just wrapped up.

The lesson I’m about to share with you had a big effect on how many sales I made.

And it’s the reason this launch did $25k in sales ( instead of $50k or $75k)…

The lesson?

“If your offer excludes a big portion of your list, it’s never going to be a huge hit”

Case in point…

The training I promoted during this launch (printed emails) was specifically for copywriters who need clients.

And because it was specifically for them…

The offer had NO appeal to…

– offer owners

– marketing directors

– biz op buyers

– consultants

– brick & mortar business owners

– and even other copywriters who don’t have problems getting clients

So while the offer was very appealing to copywriters who need clients…

It was not appealing to a big chunk of my list who don’t need clients.

This is why the offer had no chance of being a “homerun” and making me $70k or $90k.

It simply excluded too many people.

Which is a good lesson…

If you’re running an email promo…

Especially if it’s a promo for a low-ticket or mid-ticket offer…

You want to make sure the offer appeals to ALL the demos of your list.

You don’t want to exclude a bunch of people…

You want it appealing to as many people as possible.

That’s a simple idea…

But it’s one that will make you a lot of dough if you follow it.

So I suggest you follow it.

Hope this was helpful for ya…

I’m heading out to get a walk in.

Enjoy your Saturday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.