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Yesterday I told you about the best ad I’ve seen in a while.

It was a Youtube ad for a men’s dating offer (about  what to do when a woman pulls away)…

The reason I said it was the best ad Ive seen in long time was because the copy hit on every single thing I was thinking, feeling and doing at the time (because a woman I’ve been talking to started to pull away and get distant).

It was like the guy who wrote the ad was following me around and watching my every move.

So it hit home.

Now here’s what’s interesting…

After I sent yesterday’s email, I got a flood of emails with the same question…

Did you end up buying the product?


The short answer is no.

There were a few reasons I didn’t buy it.

But the biggest reason was the VSL.

In my opinion, the VSL actually gave away TOO MUCH of what was in the course.

So by the time I got to the end of the VSL,  I felt like I already knew what I needed to do.


The “mechanism” of the product was all built around the idea that “women need to feel uncertainty to feel attraction to you”. 

It’s the uncertainty that creates emotional tension that women crave.

So they talked about this a LOT in the video…

And gave a bunch of examples.

For me personally, that was something I already knew…

But I just needed a reminder on it.

Cause that was the issue with the woman from LA that I’ve been talking to.

It was a little too much, too fast with her. 

And that uncertainty wasn’t there.

I didn’t give her space to think and wonder about me.

So for me, just hearing that part in the VSL was all I really needed to hear.

I didn’t need all the tactical ways to do it.

So I never bought the product.

Now here’s the thing…

I’m obviously different from the typical buyer in the men’s dating niche.

Cause I create info products for a living.

So what works on the general public…

Might not work on me.

But if I had a chance to change this VSL…

I would just add a little copy in there saying something like “and if you think you can just create uncertainty by texting her less, or by taking longer to respond to her messages, then you’re going to be in the same spot you are now in just a few weeks”

So I’d just address that reason for not buying head on.

Had they done that, I may have bought it.


Hope this was helpful for ya.

Whoever wrote this ad and the VSL did a great job (I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on my list).

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

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