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Yesterday I mentioned that I just ended my print newsletter, which was a $50k a month business.

The main reason I ended it was because it was pulling too much of my time away from Copy Accelerator.

However there were other reasons that I ended it as well.

And I want to share one of those reasons with you today because I think it will give you some good insight into how I make decisions.

Sound good?

Let’s jump in.

So back in January I had a huge launch where 332 new members signed up for the newsletter.

That gave me like 600 members total.

Which was awesome.

However like most continuity programs,  not everyone stays a member.

You lose a lot of people in those first 1-2 months after they sign up.

So here’s the issue I was facing…

My goal was to average 500 members per month with the newsletter.

With 500 members @ $199 a month, the business would do around $700k-$800k in profit per year.

Which would be great.

That’s a nice chunk of change for writing a 20 page newsletter each month. 

However, here’s the rub…

In order to keep the member numbers around 500 people a month, it was going to be a Herculean task.


First, I’d need an offer working on cold traffic.


Cause I’d need a consistent flow of new buyers that I could put into the print newsletter.

Creating an offer that scales on cold traffic is not an easy task.

But I’ve done it many times.

So I think I could have done it.

However, that’s just step one.

Step two is really what I didn’t want to do.

If I was good enough to get my offer working on cold traffic, then I’d also need…

–  someone running the traffic

– someone creating the ads

– more customer service reps

– a better operations setup to handle the increase in volume

– copywriters to write new leads and headlines so things don’t fatigue

That’s a lot of stuff.

It’s a lot of me managing people…

And hiring…

And putting systems in place.

This is all stuff that’s necessary.

But I have no interest in doing any of it.

I like to focus on marketing.

That’s what I’m good at.

So when I realized what it was going to take to keep the newsletter at 500 members per month, I decided it wasn’t worth it.

That’s not the kind of business I want.

I don’t want the added stress…

And the added responsibility…

So I decided to just end it.

Which was a very tough decision.

I was making around $50k in profit each month from it.

And I actually enjoyed writing the newsletter.

But in the end, I knew if I wanted to keep it at the 500 subscriber mark, it had to evolve into a real business.

And I wasn’t interested in doing that.

So I made the decision to shut it down.

Like I said it wasn’t an easy decision.

It’s one I battled for weeks…

And even questioned my own sanity multiple times.

But in the end, I think it’s what’s best for me…

And it’s what’s best for my main business, Copy Accelerator.

So there ya go…

That’s a little look into my thought process.

And how I made the decision.

I hope me sharing all this helps you make better decisions with your biz in the future.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.