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One of the lessons I wish I would have learned a lot earlier when it comes to getting good at copy is the idea of “investing in your copy skills”.

Here’s what I mean by that…

When I started writing copy in 2008 or so, I had no idea what I was doing.

I didn’t have a coach…

Or a mentor…

Back then there weren’t even Facebook groups to learn about copy…

I basically learned everything on my own.

Which was a big mistake.


Cause by learning on my own, I never truly grasped the things that matter in copy.

I didn’t know how to do research on my target buyer…

I didn’t know how to write a lead that hooked my reader right out of the gate…

I didn’t know how to come up with a USP that made my offer unique…

I didn’t know any of that.

And because I didn’t know any of that…

The copy I wrote was boring…


And it barely made any sales. 

Like I said this was back in 2008 or so…

And it took me until 2014 to really understand the power of “investing in my copy skills”.

Cause in 2014 I finally stopped dickin’ around and got serious about copy. 

So I plopped down a big chunk of dough to learn copy from someone who was better than me.

And guess what happened when I did that?

My copy skills grew by leaps and bounds.

In fact the first sales letter I wrote after making this investment was for my supplement, Patriot Power Greens, which turned into a massive home run. 

At it’s peak, that sales letter was pulling in 700-1000 buyers every single day.

Which completely changed my life for the better.

My income shot through the roof…

And I ended up pulling in a little over $700k that year…

Which was mind blowing to me at the time.

I didn’t even think it was possible for someone like me to make that kind of money.

But I did.

And a big reason why I was able to do that is because I finally stopped trying to learn copy on my own…

And instead, I invested in learning from someone who was a better copywriter than me. 

Had I not done that I don’t think I’d be where I’m at today…

And I certainly wouldn’t have seen my income grow like it did.

So that was a big moment for me…

And one that truly changed the course of my life.

Which is why if you’re serious about getting good at copy…

I highly suggest you invest in your copy skills like I did.

Stop trying to learn everything on your own…

And simply learn from someone who’s a better copywriter than you. 

That’s what worked for me…

And I think it’ll work for you as well.

So keep that in mind.

– Justin

P.S. – if what I’m saying resonates with you…

And you’re interested in investing in your copy skills and getting damn good at copy in 2024…

Then keep your eyes peeled for an email from me on Monday.

Cause on Monday, I’m gonna give you the opportunity to join a new cohort of a copy training that’s successfully launched the careers of some of the best copywriters in the game today including Dan Ferrari, Ian Stanley and Ning Li.

So if that appeals to you…

Stay tuned for an email from me coming your way on Monday.

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.