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My last two emails were all about how to make a lot of dough without being miserable.

I’m gonna expand on that today.

Here’s a few things I think about when it comes to how my money and my happiness intertwine…

Impact/personal fulfillment

I’ve never really been a “heart centered” or “impact driven” entrepreneur.

That’s not me.

My main driver has always been freedom (which is tied in with money). 

However, once I started making money, I cared a lot more about fulfillment than I did before.

Case in point…

When I was running Patriot Health Alliance (my supplement company) from 2014-2017, I was making a LOT of money.

My income went from $220k to $700k to $2.2 million in those years.

So the business was very good to me.

However, it wasn’t very fulfilling.

I never got to really interact with my customers.

Or to see how our products helped them…

They were just faceless names on an email list.

So it never fulfilled me on a deep level.

Now contrast that to what I did with Copy Accelerator, and that was much more fulfulling for me.


Because I saw real impact on the people I was coaching.

I saw copywriters like Tanner Henkel, Alec Rosa and Michael Rochin go from newbs to making multiple six-figures in just a few years…

I saw Areeba Ahmed 5x her income…

I saw numerous business owners blow their business up from 6-figures all the way to 8-figures. 

Which was very fulfilling.

Seeing the transformation in these people, and how it impacted their lives, their families and their confidence was incredible. 

It made me feel good.

And gave me a lot of fulfillment. 

So I’d highly suggest you prioritize fulfillment in your business if you can.

If you’re doing something that fulfills you…

And makes you happy…

You’ll last a lot longer in that business than if you’re just in it for the money. 

Let’s look at a few more of the things I filter for when it comes to money and happiness…


Lifestyle is a big one for me.

I don’t really have any interest in working 10 hours a day, having 50+ employees, and being stressed out all the time. 

Been there, done that.

It’s not for me.

Over the last few years I found a nice sweet spot where I was able to make between $1-$1.5 million a year while still having a life.

I was able to work 25-30 hours a week.

I was able to take weekends off.

I was even able to take 2-3 vacations where I didn’t bring my laptop. 

For me, this stuff really matters.


Cause I’ve done it the other way, and it made me miserable.

I worked the 12 hour days…

I never took weekends off…

That lifestyle “worked” for a while…

But eventually you hit a wall.

And you can’t do it anymore.

So my suggestion is to always prioritize your lifestyle.

You need to build that INTO your business.

Make sense?

Let’s look at one more thing I filter for in business…

And that’s…

Freedom/Open Schedules

One thing I hate is having a full calendar.

I have friends who’s calendars are fully booked from 8 AM until 4 PM every single day.

Most of the time they’re on calls…

Or in meetings…

For me, this would be my version of hell.

I hate being on calls.

And I hate having a full calendar.

So one of the things I filter for in business is something that allows me to have a relatively open schedule.

Like my business now is quite simple…

I write an email to my list pretty much everyday.

I create courses once in a while…

There’s not a lot going on.

No daily meetings…

No calls…

And that’s the way I like it.

You might feel a similar way…

Or you might enjoy having a full calendar.

Either way, my point is that you want to filter for things that matter to you in your business.

Obviously money matters (and might be the most important thing to you)…

But other things matter as well.

You can make a million dollars a year in a fun and fulfilling way…

And you can also make a million dollars a year in a painful and agonizing way…

It’s up to you.

So I highly suggest giving this some thought.

Think about what matters to you…

And how you want your day to look.

And then make it happen.

Alrighty I need to wrap this puppy up…

Hope this was helpful for you.

And you got a nugget or two from it.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.