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So for the last few days, I’ve been sharing non-business things that have changed my life for the better.

To recap, those things were…

– Significantly cutting back on alcohol

– Finding better friends

– Going to therapy

– Finding workouts that I enjoy and that I look forward to 

Today, I’m gonna share two more with ya…

Again these are non-business things I’ve done that have significantly improved my life (i.e. made me happier, made me more money etc…)

Let’s dig in…

1.  I stopped being scared of investing, and learned how to do it

Back in 2017 when I sold my stake in Patriot Health Alliance, I was faced with a scary proposition.

I was getting a multi-million dollar buyout.

And I really knew nothing about investing.

Should I just put it in a bank account?

Should I try to pick stocks?

Should I buy real estate?

I had no idea.

But knowing I had a large amount of money coming to me forced me to get serious about learning how to invest.

So I read probably 15 different books on investing at the time.

Some of them were way over my head…

But others really connected with me…

The one that had the most impact was Jack Bogle’s book “Common Sense Investing”.

Which is basically all about index funds.

And he makes the case that you can simply invest in index funds, get a 9-10% return on average, and you’ll beat 95% of investors.

There’s nothing to manage…

No stocks to pick…

You just put your money in an index fund that mimics the market, and let it do it’s thing.

That line of thinking really appealed to me.

So that’s where I started.

I had a mix of 80% stocks and 20% bonds.

And for the better part of the last few years that’s where I invested my money.

Now-a-days, I’m expanding that.

So I have about 10% of my portfolio in crypto.

And I’m in the process of beefing up my real estate portfolio (I want this to be about 30% of my portfolio).

But my big point with investing is that it’s not the scary, confusing thing I used to think it was.

You can keep it very simple…

And let your money compound year over year.

The key is that actually do it…

And you don’t let your money just rot away in a bank account. 

So getting serious about investing was a big game changer for me…

Now the second game changer for me is something that is very boring to talk about.

But it makes a huge difference in how you feel…

2.  Getting serious about getting better sleep

Sleep is without a doubt the least sexy thing when it comes to fitness and health.

Tell someone to “get 8 hours of sleep” and they’ll just give ya the “yah I know” auto response. 

But most people never do it.

And you don’t realize how much better you could feel until you start getting better sleep.

I’ll give ya an example…

In the summer of 2018, I started to feel very exhausted.

I was sleeping like 9 hours a night…

And still waking up exhausted.

I didn’t know what was going on.

So I bought an Oura Ring to track my sleep.

And as it turns out, I was sleeping a lot of hours, but I wasn’t getting any deep sleep.

Like literally 15 minutes a night of deep sleep.

Which is terrible.

Most people get 1-2 hours of deep sleep.

So because of my lack of deep sleep, I felt like shit every single day.

Which made my life a living hell.

When you’re not sleeping, you don’t have any motivation to do anything.

You don’t want to work…

Or go to the gym…

Or hang with your friends…

It’s brutal.

So for me, getting my sleep dialed in was a big game-changer.

And that boiled down to a few things…

– adding in a few days of cardio each week

– staying off my phone and computer after 630 PM

– not eating after 6 PM

– blacking out my room so no light was getting in

Those gave me the biggest benefits.

And helped me get my deep sleep on track.

Now-a-days, my deep sleep usually hits an 60-80 minutes each night.

So I feel more refreshed…

My workouts are better…

And just everything in my day to day life is better because of my improved sleep. 

So there ya go…

Fixing my sleep and getting serious about investing were two big gamechangers for me.

That’s all I got for ya today…

Hope you got a nugget or two from this…

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

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