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Piggybacking on my previous two emails about the downsides of getting rich, let’s talk about something that isn’t mentioned a whole lot…

And that’s the fact that once you start buying nicer things in life, it’s really damn hard to go back from that. 

So you might buy a nicer house…

You might stay at nicer resorts on vacation…

You might fly first class instead of coach…

You might put your kids in private school…

All of this is normal.


I can tell you from experience, that once you’ve had a taste of this lifestyle, it’s very hard to go back to how you used to live.

For example…

The car I drove for many years was an old beat-up Jeep Cherokee.

I think I bought it for $6k…

It had a lot of miles on it…

The check-engine light was always on…

So it wasn’t the greatest car in the world.

But it got me from point A to point B, so it did the job. 

Now compare that to the car I drive today…

Today I have a Range Rover that I spent a little over $103,000 on.

It’s got everything you could want in a car…

Blacked out rims and a blacked out front grill…

Heated massage seats…

So it’s quite nice. 

And I love driving it.

However, having driven this car for the last 4 years, it would be VERY hard for me to go back to the car I used to have.


Because my standard for what’s “normal” has changed.  

A beat-up Jeep Cherokee used to be normal to me…

Now a decked out Range Rover is normal to me…

And this changing of “what’s normal” happens with a lot of things.

I could never go back to living in the house I used to live in after being in my current house.

I couldn’t go back to flying coach after flying first class for the last few years. 

What I have now is my “new normal”.

And BTW I’m not fishing for sympathy here like “woe is me”.

I know I have it good.

That’s not my point…

My point is to make you aware that once you upgrade something in your life, it is REALLY hard to go back to what you had before.

This is one of the downsides of making more money.

Cause you get used to the new lifestyle…

It starts to feel normal…

And going back to what you had before can be tough in terms of your comfort and also your ego.

So just be aware of it…

This is one of those things I was not aware of before I had money.

But now that I have it, and I went through it,  I want to make sure that you’re aware of it as well.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning…

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

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