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Over the last few days, I covered my favorite two emotions to target when selling to men.  

And that was anger and shame.

Anger is an easy way to bond with men (since we’re more in touch with our anger than other emotions)…

And shame really gets to the core of “I’m not good enough” – which cuts deep for men. 

So start with that…

And once you have that part down…

Then you want to look at the other side of the equation.

Which is what men desire.

Now, there’s lots of things that men desire…

We want to be stronger than other guys…

We want attractive women lusting after us.

We want power, respect and the freedom to do our own thing.


When you add all this up…

It really boils down to one thing.


Men are driven by status more than anything else.


Well because that’s how we see the world.

If I meet a guy a party, 90% of the time he’s gonna ask “what do you do for a living?”.

This question is shorthand for “I’m trying to figure out where I’m at in relation to you on the status ladder”.

So he’s wondering…

“Does this guy make more money than me?”

“Is he more successful than me?”

Men are always looking for status clues like this.

Cause we use them to size each other up.

So if I meet a guy at a party who’s dressed well, has a drop-dead gorgeous wife, and drives away in a Range Rover, there’s a good chance this guy is pretty high on the status ladder.

Now, I’m not logically deducing all this…

Or intentionally thinking about it. 

But as a guy, my brain is always looking at these clues and figuring out where I rank in the social hierarchy compared to other men.

Let’s look at a few examples of things that give guys status…

– my friend Mike doesn’t have a ton of money, and he doesn’t drive an impressive car.  But he does have a lot of attractive women around him often.  He’s always at the best parties, and he’s always posting it on Instagram.  So he gets a lot of status from this.

– Another guy I know is the same way with the gym.  He doesn’t make a ton of money, or have a bunch of women around him – but he’s very successful in the gym and has thousands of guys following him on Instagram that look up to him.  So he gets a lot of status from that.

– I have another friend who gets a lot of status from being a digital nomad.  Every month he’s posting pictures from an adventure in Fiji, or a surf trip in Costa Rica.  He might not have a ton of money, but he has the freedom to travel the world.  And that gives him status.

– I know an older guy who is big in the prepper world, and he gets a lot of status from being able to live “self sufficently” off the grid.  He has his own farm, he collects rain water, and anything else he needs he can build himself.  So in his group of friends, he gets a lot of status for being the “rugged individualist”. 

So as you can see, status comes in a lot of different forms.

And when you boil it down…

Status is the main reason guys do everything.

It’s why we build businesses…

It’s why we go to the gym…

It’s why we get into personal development…

It’s why we buy certain cars…

It’s all about status. 

And there’s a very good underlying reason for this.

And I believe this underlying reason is the REAL reason men do everything.

And that’s sex.

Men understand that the more status they have, the more sex they will have. 

And sex is always on guy’s minds.

Unlike women where sex is a couple layers back in their brain, for men it is front and center.

And whether a guy is married…

Or single…

Having more sex is always top priority.

Think about it this way…

If there were no women on earth, do you think guys would do half the stuff they do now?

Would they go to the gym? No.

Would they work their ass off to build multi-million dollar businesses? No.

Would they go to therapy to get in touch with their feelings?  Absolutely not.

If there were no women on earth, and no possibility of sex…

Most men would lay on their couch and do nothing.

That’s the truth.

At the end of the day, the big reason men are driven to do just about anything is sex.

So when you’re selling to men, you need to hit on this.


You do need to be careful about how you address it.

You don’t want to just bash it over their head and say “if you do this, you’ll get laid more”.

You want to be more subtle about it.

Like if you’re selling a biz-op course, you can show them pictures of the amazing life coming their way that includes a guy on a boat having fun with a bunch of women…

Or a picture of a married guy who’s wife is being flirty and adoring to him.

That’s what you want.

Yes, the guy buying the biz-op course wants to make more money, and live life on his own terms…

But beyond that, his reason for wanting those things has to do with sex. 

Cause he knows that making more money…

And having more freedom…

Will increase his status.

Thus leading to the possibility of more sex.

I know that might sound incredibly basic.

Like guys are a bunch of cavemen…

But in my experience with selling to men, this is the true driver that’s underneath everything else.

It’s what men want.

And what we’re REALLY driven by.

So if you’re selling to men…

I highly recommend you have some promise of “more sex” in your pitch.

Cause that’s the end result that they want.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this that will help you in your marketing.

Enjoy your Wednesday,

– Justin

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