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Note: I’m doing a series of emails this week all about the mental and emotional struggles of being an entrepreneur. This is the 3rd email in the series. Enjoy.

“I’m just waiting for everyone to realize I’m a fraud”

Back in 2016 I was suffering from a serious case of imposter syndrome.

Which was ironic because my business was firing on all cylinders.

We had just hit $23 million in sales that year…

And my copy for Patriot Power Greens was bringing in 500-700 new buyers a day.

From the outside, everything looked great…

But inside it was a different story.

I felt like a fraud.

I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing.

Like I had just gotten lucky…

And that the next sales letter I wrote I’d be found out.

This is what went through my mind.

Mind you, this was a banner year for me…

I took home more than $2 million that year.

Which was more money than I had made in the previous ten years combined!

I should have been brimming with confidence.

But I wasn’t.

I felt like I had no idea what I was doing.

And it makes sense when you look at it…

My income didn’t just go up a little bit that year…

It made a Grand Canyon-sized leap.

I was in a whole new territory.

Which made me uncomfortable.

So I felt like I didn’t deserve it.

And honestly, this feeling is pretty normal.

I can tell ya from hanging around a lot of successful entrepreneurs, that most of them deal with imposter syndrome.   

They might not show it…

Or talk about it…

But privately, they do. 

So you’re not alone in feeling that way.

And what’s more…

Imposter syndrome is almost always rooted in you comparing yourself to others.

“These people make way more money than me”


“They’re cooler than I am”

If you constantly compare yourself to others…

Your imposter syndrome will flare up.

You’ll feel small…

And like you don’t belong.

My advice?

Try to be a little more compassionate with yourself.

Be OK with knowing that you don’t have it all figured out. 

Be OK with the idea that there will be people who make more money and are more successful than you…

Just because someone is more successful than you, or they have more money than you doesn’t make them better than you.

Not one bit.

You’re both equal when it comes to your worth.

That’s important to keep in mind.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin  

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.