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Alright this is gonna be the final email in my little series on “non-business things that changed my life”.

So far I’ve talked about…

– significantly cutting back on alcohol

– finding better friends

– going to therapy

– finding workouts I enjoy and look forward to

– getting more deep sleep

– understanding how investing works

All 6 of those things have had a big impact on my life.

And I got 2 more to add to the list today.

Starting with…

1.  Improving how I feel with regular saunas, cold plunges and peptides

Most of the stuff I do today for my body I did NOT do in my 20’s.

Back then I simply worked out…

And ate whatever I wanted.

And despite that, I still felt great.

Now that I’m 38, that’s not the case anymore.

So over the last few years I’ve tried numerous things to help my body look and move better.

Rotating the saunas and cold plunges has been one of those things.

I usually go 3 or 4x a week.

I hit the sauna for 20 minutes, then cold plunge, then sauna for another 20 minutes and then I finish with the cold plunge.

I’ve been doing this since March, and my body feels noticeably better because of it.

I’ve been traveling for the last month or so and haven’t been able to hit the sauna and cold plunge, and I can tell a difference.

I have more aches in my body…

And I don’t recover from my workouts as well.

So the sauna/cold plunge has been really helpful for me.

The other big thing I’ve experimented with is peptides.

I had some serious issues with my energy and hormone levels in 2018, so I got on some peptides to help with that.

The main one I use is called CJC/Ipamorellin.

The other one is enclomaphine.

Both of these have significantly helped with my energy levels and bringing my hormones up to more normal levels.

As a result, I simply feel better.

I have more energy…

More vigor…

And that makes a difference in my day-to-day life.

So taking care of my body has been a big game changer for me.

Now along with that, the last thing I want to share is something I’ve talked about numerous times in my emails…

2.  Having better boundaries in my life

For the first 33 years of my life, I didn’t even know what a boundary was.

I was your typical people-pleaser.

I just did everything to make other people happy.

So if a girl I was dating was doing something I didn’t like, I’d just stay quiet and not say anything.

Or if a copy client was treating me like crap, I’d just sit back and take it.

I had no idea how to tell people “no”.

Or how to put my foot down.

I just tried to not “rock the boat”.

So I avoided confrontation at all costs, and tried to make everyone else happy.

Which is not a fun way to live.

I wasn’t in control of my own life.

I had no sense of self.

I was simply at the whim of everyone else.

This is what a life with no boundaries looks like.

Luckily for me, I’ve made big strides in this area over the last few years.

I’ve learned how to put myself first…

I’ve learned how to speak up when something is bothering me.

And I’ve learned how to let certain things in while keeping other things out.

This is what boundaries are all about.

Boundaries are up to you…

And when you actually use them…

You have a lot more control over your life.

It’s your way of controlling what you take in, and what you put out. 

So I highly suggest you have ’em.

Like I said, I didn’t have boundaries for most of my life…

But now that I do, my life is a lot better.

Alright, I need to wrap this up…

Hope you enjoyed this little series…

Talk soon,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.